Make a Donation
Support the Future of Student Success
Your gift combined with the generosity of thousands of others IMPACTS the lives of our students in immeasurable ways. Your gift helps a student gets started on their educational journey or cross the finish line. Please support the future of student success at WGU in 2023! Our students thank you. WGU thanks you.
Fill out the form below to make a secure, tax-deductible, one-time or recurring gift to the general scholarship fund:
There Are Many Ways to Support WGU
If you are interested in supporting other areas, program developments, setting up a new scholarship, or exploring a partnership with WGU, please contact us at any time.
Phone: 385-428-6900
Email: advancement@wgu.edu
Want to connect with a specific WGU Advancement officer? Visit our team directory.
Fill out the form below to make a secure, tax-deductible, one-time or recurring gift to the general scholarship fund: