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3 Career Paths for People Who Don't Know What to Do

May 13, 2024

Exploring Career Paths: Ideal Jobs for Those Unsure about Their Future Career  

Exploring different career paths is about more than finding the right job. The process of research and self-discovery cultivates personal growth, resilience, and adaptability in an ever-changing economic landscape. By exploring varied roles, you learn to leverage diverse skill sets, adapt to new environments, and network with a broader range of professionals. This journey enriches your perspective and encourages flexibility, allowing you to pivot when your passions shift or new talents emerge.

If you haven't yet found a career that fits your interests and skills, don't worry–you're not alone. Read on to learn more about three job options that might be just right for you.

Tips When Exploring a New Career Path

Whether you are just starting your career or looking to transition, it can be helpful to remember the following suggestions when considering a career path: 

  • Explore with intent: Each of these careers offers the opportunity to learn and grow. Choose one based on your core skills and areas of interest.
  • Stay open-minded: The best career choice for you today might not be the same in five years. Be ready to evolve as you discover more about yourself and the professional world.
  • Seek guidance: Consider talking to career counselors, mentors, or professionals in your fields of interest. They can provide insights and advice that can guide your decision-making process.

Navigating Career Choices: 3 Jobs Perfect for the Undecided

If you're unsure where your passions and skills should take you, consider the following career paths:

Real Estate Agent

A real estate agent facilitates the sale and purchase of property, striving to match buyers with their ideal homes and sellers with the most suitable offers. Their responsibilities include:

  • Working with clients to attain the properties they desire
  • Negotiating offers and contracts
  • Coordinating inspections, appraisals, and closing processes
  • Building a network to generate leads

Real estate agents often have flexible schedules, which can be ideal for those who value independence and managing their own time. Plus, salary expectations, at a median of $52,030 per year, are promising.

If you thrive on change, love people, and enjoy the real estate market, a career as an agent might be your calling. However, this role requires a high level of self-motivation and the ability to balance multiple responsibilities simultaneously.


Consulting is ideal for individuals with a knack for analysis and strategic solutions. As a consultant, you might work as an independent contractor or with a consulting firm, providing expert advice in management, strategy, IT, and finance. Responsibilities include:

  • Analyzing business practices
  • Identifying areas for improvement
  • Devising and implementing strategic plans to enhance efficiency and profitability

Consultants are often involved in diverse projects, so a love for learning and new challenges is essential. The average annual salary for a consultant is around $76,050

If you have a niche area of expertise, strong problem-solving skills, and enjoy working with different clients, then consulting may be an excellent fit, as it offers a diverse, project-based workload.


For those who possess a way with words and a passion for storytelling or communication, a career as a writer might provide an outlet for creative energy. Responsibilities include:

  • Crafting engaging, informative, and persuasive works of long- or short-form content that resonate with the intended audience
  • Working with editors and clients to refine content
  • Evolving with new markets, technologies, research findings, and trends

Writers are needed in various industries to create content for different platforms, ranging from marketing to technical writing and grant writing to blogging. On average, writers can expect to earn around $73,150 per year. 

If you're passionate about language, can work independently, and are receptive to feedback, then a career in writing could be incredibly fulfilling. Keep in mind that persistence and a willingness to market your skills are also crucial.

Learn More

The beauty of the modern job market is the variety it offers. You don't need to have it all figured out just yet. By exploring these careers—and perhaps trying them on for size with internships or networking events—you'll be on your way to a path that aligns with your talents and values. Whether you start in real estate, consulting, or writing, the skills and experiences you acquire will serve you well no matter which direction you choose. 

For those looking to gear up for a new career path, obtaining a relevant degree can be invaluable.  WGU offers online programs designed to fit the schedules of busy working adults. With a focus on competency-based education, WGU allows students to progress based on their ability to demonstrate mastery of the material, making us an attractive option for those seeking to balance education with existing work and life commitments.

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