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Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month Spotlight – Employee: Mike Leilua

May 22, 2024

During Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, WGU honors and celebrates the contributions that members of these communities have made to our society. This month, we highlight Mike Leilua, a dedicated Enrollment Counselor at the School of Technology. Mike began his employment at WGU in 2017 after working in a variety of industries. He explains, “When I left my last job, I was looking for a meaningful or impactful role. A friend told me to look WGU up. I have been in this role ever since I started, and I’m loving it.” Serving as a source of direction and empowerment, Mike provides students with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed decisions about their educational journeys at WGU. Mike’s passion for his job is evident. In his words, “I am blessed to discuss and brainstorm and guide them in that journey. I love to see them complete enrollment and move forward. I love that I get to be the first to help them.” 

Mike’s position allows him to provide the assistance and encouragement enrollees need to navigate this new phase of life. “I think any time a student says, ‘I am not sure of what I want to do,’ is the time for me to step up my game and be more supportive.” He recalls a story involving a student who had applied to WGU but was hesitant to commit to a start date. Mike answered the student’s questions, addressed his concerns, and helped him choose the right degree program. “I remember telling him that it will be worth it, and he agreed.” When the student graduated, he sent Mike the following email: “Thanks again for helping me get back into school. I figured not so many people remember to thank you for your part when it's all said and done.”

Mike’s advocacy is not limited to WGU students. He’s also committed to cultivating inclusion and empowering individuals within his local community. “Over the last few years, I have been part of a community group promoting Pacific Islander people here in Utah. I started a nonprofit called the Pacific Islander Association with the goal of helping people start businesses and/or start college.” Mike notes the parallels between enrolling in a degree program and launching an entrepreneurial pursuit. “I think that experience opened my eyes to the many obstacles a newcomer faces in any circumstance, whether you are starting in college or starting a business. I realized the significance of creating inclusive spaces and building bridges between communities. I hope to bring my experiences in my personal and professional life to advocate for diversity and inclusion, recognizing that it is essential for fostering empathy, understanding, and social cohesion.”

As a champion of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Mike actively supports WGU’s DE&I efforts and even spearheaded the creation of an Employee Resource Group (ERG). He describes the sequence of events that led him to establish an ERG, saying, “As a Pacific Islander, I thought to align myself with PAN Owls or even the Latinx Owls since I speak Spanish. I had interactions with several peers who are Pacific Islanders and just mentioned their feelings about starting our own ERG.” His colleagues were open to the idea but didn’t know how to proceed. “I love a challenge,” Mike says, “so I went ahead and started the ERG.” Thanks to Mike’s leadership, the Pacific Islander Owls Employee Resource Group was launched in April 2023. The group currently has 35 members and is growing. “We are a small community, but we are impactful… [we] play vital roles in creating and adding to the WGU culture. A great deal of important initiatives and projects are coming out of our ERG members.” Through his steadfast commitment to students and determined pursuit of inclusivity, Mike advances WGU’s mission to expand access to higher education for all.   

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