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“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.”― Maya Angelou

In October 2023, we learned the sad news that Marti Garlett , the founding dean of WGU’s Teachers College, had passed away.

Marti was an amazing and supportive leader in the field of education. I worked with Marti during those early days of WGU, and we remained close friends ever since. Back then, we were pioneering a new form of education as an online, competency-based college. The Teachers College was the original alternative route to teaching licensure, and with so many obstacles to overcome, we needed a leader who could not only forge positive relationships with so many external stakeholders, but also inspire our team internally.

It was Marti’s courage that broke down the barriers that led us to become the respected institution that we are today. Marti had to change the hearts and minds of state agencies and policymakers, so that they could see the value in what we deliver to students. She was meticulous and led with integrity. For WGU faculty and staff, Marti expected the best of our talents, and encouraged everyone to believe in the transformative work that we were committed to in education. Courage leads to action, and under Marti’s guidance, our Teachers College grew into a vibrant community dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and the highest of academic standards.

Marti gave us two gifts that we were able to carry forward: first, the gift in believing. This made such a profound impact on me personally – to have someone like Marti believe in me, and my words and ideas. And by extension, she believed in all of us because she believed in WGU. Second, she believed in the value of education. Marti believed in the change that was require so that we could meet the educational needs of such a diverse student population, and in doing so, we rose up and performed the best work that we could.

As we mourn the loss of and pay tribute to a beloved leader, let us also celebrate the life and contributions of a woman who dedicated herself to the noblest of professions – teaching. Marti's legacy lives on with our more than 90,000 Teachers College graduates, and because of her early influence, they are making a difference as educators in classrooms, communities, and the lives of the students they serve.

In honoring Marti, let us recommit ourselves to the principles she held dear – the pursuit of knowledge, the cultivation of compassion, and the unwavering belief in the transformative power of education. May her memory continue to inspire and guide us as we strive to fulfill the vision she so passionately brought to life in our Teachers College.

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