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Front-End Programming Languages and Technologies to Learn

Jan 3, 2024

When you browse the web, you might not be aware of what’s “under the hood” of each site you visit. Websites have become a staple of daily life, offering countless sources of information. But who is responsible for making these pages so useful?

Dedicated web developers apply their skills and fluency in programming languages to build, maintain, and improve web pages and applications. Thanks to front-end web developers in particular, you can access and interact with all kinds of websites. But what exactly do programming languages have to do with online shopping or your daily perusal of news sites?

This article discusses several important programming languages that front-end web developers use to craft engaging websites. Read on to learn about these languages and how they can help you on your path to becoming a web developer.

1. JavaScript

Front-end web development involves all the visible elements of websites. The front end of web development and design is dedicated to the user and their experience. This includes the way users engage with text, images, videos, links, and more on a web page. One popular programming language that undergirds both user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) is known as JavaScript.

JavaScript is an object-oriented coding language commonly used to create web modules like menu boxes, buttons, chat interfaces, and other similar components. These modules work together to build a dynamic web experience that changes based on user input. According to web technology survey site, JavaScript is used as a front-end programming language by nearly 99% of all websites.

Front-end web developers rely on JavaScript libraries and frameworks as they write out code. These contain ready-made templates of code that can be used whenever and wherever they’re most needed. Libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, and JQuery help make UI and web application development easier and more uniform.


  • Simple, clear syntax
  • Near-universal application
  • Numerous, up-to-date libraries
  • Easily modifiable


  • Inconsistent interpretation of code by browsers
  • Exploitable and abusable by web developers
  • Limited debugging capability

 2. Django

Django is a Python framework that helps make web development more efficient and streamlined. Django is built on the Python programming language, and while it can be used for back-end web development, it fills a useful role in front-end creation. Developers favor Django when they need secure, maintainable, and database-driven websites. Thanks to its unique coding flexibility, Django can be applied to a variety of web pages quickly to produce robust results.

Django includes reusable modules for website authentication, server data retrieval, and cookie management. These modules can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes for front-end devs to produce functional web applications. Additionally, Django’s adherence to the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle assists devs by reducing instances of redundant code.


  • Free to use
  • Strong community support
  • Beginner-friendly scripting language


  • Not optimized for mobile web development
  • High memory consumption
  • Unsuitable for small, simple websites

3. HTML and CSS

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are not programming languages in the typical sense, but they are crucial to a website’s structure and appearance. HTML is a text-encoding system that communicates with a web browser to make up the basic skeleton of a website. Developers use HTML to determine the fundamental look and feel of websites, including the positions of text, images, and headings.

CSS extends the functionality of HTML by defining the visual style of a web page. This might mean modifying colors, text sizes, margins, or other layout elements. A user’s experience on a website depends largely on how well a developer understands CSS. Without CSS, a website may be lacking in terms of interactivity, presentation, and overall impact.


  • Designed for consistency and uniformity
  • Allow for simple updating and iterating
  • Enable responsive web design (mobile, desktop, etc.)


  • Vulnerable to potential security breaches
  • Require specific developer input
  • Insufficient on their own to build websites

 4. Svelte

A relatively new technology in front-end development, Svelte is a JavaScript framework that emphasizes minimal, high-performing, compiled code. Traditionally, front-end devs use a Document Object Model (DOM) to visualize and change HTML elements. This development process can take time, especially if a dev’s goal is to build a complex, data-heavy website. Svelte compiles HTML elements into specialized code, which bypasses the need for a DOM and often improves website performance.

The main draw of Svelte is twofold: Easier web app writing for devs and smoother UX for users. As more and more developers adopt Svelte, they can spend less time writing code and more time polishing their websites for an optimal user experience.


  • Simplicity- and performance-focused
  • Less framework overhead
  • Highly reactive


  • Small user community
  • Steep learning curve

5. Elm

Elm is an emerging programming language that compiles source code into JavaScript. It is a functional language, which means it focuses on creating long-lasting, maintainable websites through deterministic mathematical functions. Developers use Elm to create robust graphical user interfaces (GUIs) on websites. These interfaces help to foster engagement as users input information in specified fields.

Building front-end assets with Elm usually reduces the likelihood of runtime errors, allows for easy web deployment, and encourages scalability in web development.


  • Reliable performance
  • Highly readable, maintainable code
  • Convenient debugging features


  • Lacking support for private libraries
  • Inflexible architecture

6. WebAssembly

WebAssembly helps web browsers interpret compiled languages like C and C++ so that CPU-intensive tasks can be completed quickly and efficiently. WebAssembly has become a popular alternative to JavaScript for front-end devs since it strips code down to its binary roots. This binary code allows web browsers to run faster and perform better.

Most front-end devs welcome technology that frees up their bandwidth, and WebAssembly does just that. Like Svelte, WebAssembly shortens the time it takes for devs to write and implement code, giving them more opportunities to optimize UX and UI processes.


  • Fast code execution
  • Strong performance
  • Multiple-language compiling


  • Weak garbage collection (automatic memory management)
  • Incompatible with certain web browsers

 Taking the Next Step in Your Front-End Developer Journey

As you prepare for a fulfilling career in front-end web development, consider WGU for a degree program or certification that can help you stand out. WGU offers accredited, online programs in IT—including a bachelor’s in software engineering—that let you study at your own pace, with no set log-in times for coursework. You can also check out WGU’s industry-recognized certificate in front-end development designed to grant specialized skills in front-end design, HTML, and JavaScript. WGU offers a variety of programs that can help you make the next step in your career.

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