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IgnitED Newsletter June Edition

Jun 15, 2023

Sharing Innovative Approaches to Higher Education

Welcome to IgnitED by WGU. This month, Kim Round from the School of Education talks about the need for AI literacy skills, WGU Labs shows how backward design can be a powerful learning design model, and Jennie Sanders discusses how the right kind of outreach improves student outcomes.  

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How Generative AI Will Enable Personalized Learning Experiences

Kim Round, associate dean of the School of Education at WGU, recently addresses the potential of technologies like ChatGPT and the need for AI literacy skills in this Campus Technology podcast.

Moving Curriculum Forward with Backward Design

Backward design is a powerful learning design model that can support strong student outcomes, increase equity, and connect learners to the value of their education.

How to Find the Right Time to Connect with Students

Jennie Sanders, vice president of faculty experience and academic services at WGU, highlights research from her team showing that the right kind of outreach to students leads to a higher rate of course completion.

WGU Leaders: Employers Need to Support Mental Health

WGU College of Business leaders Joseline Castaños, associate dean and director for management and leadership programs, and Ashley Dugger, associate dean and director for human resource management programs, discussed that employers need to be a mental health resource for their employees.

News We're Reading

Entrepreneur: AI is Disrupting Higher Education — Will Traditional Colleges Survive?

As AI continues to disrupt traditional learning models, many wonder whether conventional colleges and universities can keep up with the evolving landscape.

EdSurge: Educators Team Up to Respond to Sudden Rise of ChatGPT

Educators around the world are shifting into learning and organizing mode in response to the release of ChatGPT and other new AI chatbots that have brought a mix of excitement and panic to education.

WGU Student Story

Samantha Fowler 
B.S. Health Services Coordination (2021) 
Louisville, Kentucky

Since becoming a licensed practical nurse in 2016, Samantha has enjoyed volunteering her medical knowledge to community organizations. In September 2021, Samantha traveled to southern Louisiana the day following Hurricane Ida’s landfall. She teamed up with local organizations and businesses to collect medical supplies and the materials needed to begin repairing homes that had suffered damage.

Samantha and a friend filled a camper and truck with supplies and made the trip with the intention of setting up clinics and passing out supplies with the United Cajun Navy.

While the supplies were distributed and the clinic was set up, Samantha found herself taking “distress calls” to check on people and provide medical assistance. Samantha and her group were called to check on residents of an assisted living facility, where she found that she was the only healthcare professional on location and that all of the staff had abandoned the residents of the community. There was no power, other than some generators; no air conditioning; and very little water and food.

By that point, the residents had been alone for four days without medication or medical care. Samantha used the organizational and health coordination skills she obtained through WGU’s health services coordination program to create a plan, delegate tasks, and assess the residents. In addition, Samantha and her team attempted to contact the residents’ families. The work of Samantha and her team brought attention to the abandoned residents, and they were evacuated the following day. The high-stress situation was made more bearable due to the skills Samantha obtained through WGU.

Samantha currently works as a general manager (executive director) at Canopy Senior Living. She is also an active member of the Junior League of Louisville. Samantha will be graduating with a master's degree in health science in May of 2023 and is considering Doctor of Public Health programs.

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