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WGU Awards Honorary Degree at 100th Commencement

On Saturday, Aug. 17, Dr. Charles Sorenson, president and CEO emeritus of Intermountain Healthcare, was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters at WGU's hundredth commencement ceremony in Salt Lake City, UT. 

The honorary degree recognizes Sorenson’s contributions to WGU and his continued support of the university’s mission. Sorenson served on WGU’s Board of Trustees from 2015 to 2023, spending the final four of those years as its chair. When Sorenson joined the board, WGU had awarded roughly 50,000 degrees, and within his tenure, the university marked its 25th anniversary and celebrated 300,000 graduates.    

During the commencement ceremony, he advised graduates to center their lives on four foundational principles: integrity, accountability, humility, and compassion.

Sorenson remains active in healthcare and education as the founding director of the Intermountain Healthcare Leadership Institute. The organization develops healthcare leaders with the skills and character traits needed to transform health systems in the U.S. and abroad, making healthcare more accessible, equitable, patient-focused, and affordable.     

Renewing the Promise of Education: A Real Return on Investment 

Sorenson recently reflected on the dramatic shifts in college affordability since his undergraduate days, stating, "When I was an undergrad...students could work five hours per week for minimum wage to afford their education." He contrasts this with the challenges of modern-day education, emphasizing the critical need for degrees that enhance professional capabilities without burdening students with debt.  

Personalizing the Learning Journey 

During his tenure with WGU’s board, Sorenson was a staunch advocate for tailoring education to meet individual needs. He noted, "I regularly draw inspiration from your stories. Those stories motivate everyone across the university to continually find new ways to improve... in increasingly personalized ways."  

Advancing Systemic Equity 

Sorenson's work, both at Intermountain Healthcare and WGU, centered around making critical services—healthcare and education—equitable and accessible. He founded the Intermountain Healthcare Leadership Institute with a vision to create healthcare leaders adept at delivering patient-focused, affordable care. This mirrors WGU's commitment to breaking down barriers in education, ensuring it serves the needs of all, regardless of their background. 

Partnering for Impact 

Reflecting on his commitment to meaningful change, Sorenson shared, "One of the things we always tried to do... is not wait for somebody else to fix things." He emphasized the role of proactive leadership in shaping the future of education and healthcare.  

Modeling Accountability 

Sorenson passionately believes in the power of integrity, accountability, humility, and compassion—traits he views as essential for leaders and contributors alike. "Do the right thing, even when it's difficult," he advised, underscoring the importance of upholding these values in one's professional journey.  

Celebrating a Shared Vision 

As WGU continues to evolve, Sorenson's enduring legacy serves as a beacon of inspiration, underscoring the university's commitment to its foundational pillars. His deep conviction in the value of education that is accessible, equitable, and transformative resonates with WGU's mission, inspiring a future where everyone can achieve their potential through learning. "I’m convinced that they’ve got a model that is making higher education better for the future," said Sorenson.

As we celebrate Sorenson's remarkable contributions, we're reminded of the powerful impact of visionary leadership on our collective quest for a better world. Through his support of education that empowers and healthcare that heals, his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.

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