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BSNU - Clinical Field Experience


BSNU - Clinical Field Experience



The nursing bachelor's degree program is designed for current RN's who are ready to join the force of healthcare workers seeking to improve patient outcomes and community health. The RN to BSN degree builds on the foundation of previous nursing education.

All information needed to successfully complete the Field  Experience hours for your D224 and D225 hours is provided within this site. Establishing a Clinical Field Experience site is time-sensitive. Students must set their Health Field Experience Start Date with their Mentor and should actively engage in networking to identify a clinical site ideally 6 months prior to their Field Experience to avoid delaying degree progression.

You will need ample time to network and identify potential preceptors, as well as gathering and uploading compliance records, which can take time and may require updated immunizations. If you need to establish an Affiliation Agreement with your selected clinical site, the process can take up to 6 months.

Any delay in starting these steps will impact your degree progression, resulting in a delay in your expected graduation date.

  • Define Global and Population Health & Emerging Professional Practice
  • Provide a high-level overview of the Clinical Placement Process. (Who, what, when, where, why, how)


  • Preceptor Requirements​
  • Site Requirements​
  • Compliance Requirements
  • Resources

Within 48 hours of reviewing the Clinical Information Session, you will access and complete the Clinical Information Session Knowledge Check within your Field Experience Page. The Knowledge Check demonstrates your understanding of the information covered in the session and your next steps toward Clinical Placement.


Access the Field Experience Student Profile within your Field Experience Page. The completion and submission of the Preplacement Application is required to initiate the clinical portion of your program and must be received at least 6 months prior to your first Clinical Experience course. Late applications may cause a delay in your degree progression. 


Please visit the Compliance Requirements page linked here. Immunization compliance is stringently required for all BSNU students. Compliance is required even if you are an employee at your selected Clinical Site and regardless of the policies at your Clinical Site. Employment status and Student status are not interrelated.

Preceptors must be a registered nurse with a Bachelors Degree or higher, with an active, unencumbered RN license.


  • Serve as a liaison/guide between the student and host site.
  • Have agreed to support a student’s learning including providing feedback on student participation in a supportive and constructive way.
  • Collaborates with the student and Course Instructor to recommend additional learning experiences consistent with the learning goals and topic selected.
  • Signs the student’s time log to verify the relationship with the affiliated home site and associated hours and activities.

Students must work with preceptors employed by appropriate clinical sites in their local community, as available, to train in the provision of direct care across the 4 Spheres of Care. Appropriate sites should offer a learner sufficient direct patient care learning opportunities across the lifespan, with diverse populations.

More About Clinical Sites here.

Utilize the links within your Field Experience Page to be taken to the submission forms for each Clinical Placement. You will submit Placement Details Forms for both D224 Global and Population Health and D225 Emerging Professional Practice. More about the Student Facing Field Experience Page here.

On the Documents & Form Tab of this website you will find links to Field Experience documents, compliance documents, and information regarding potential onboarding. Documents must be completed and signed. Incomplete or incorrect documents will delay your placement and could impact your planned graduation date.

Click here for more information about the Nursing Review and confirmation emails. You cannot engage in hours prior to receiving the Clearance Confirmation Email from Clinical Learning and Placement Support. Hours completed without prior approval from the Clinical Learning and Placement Support team will not count for course completion. Students who complete hours without first receiving a clearance confirmation email will be required to secure appropriate approval and compliance and repeat hours to pass the field experience course successfully.

The Course Instructor is a WGU employee who will:

  • Act as the students' primary resource for oversight of the learning objectives related to the Clinical Placement, including monitoring and evaluating the learning experience.
  • Collaborate with with both Preceptor and Student to determine student learning needs and learning opportunities ensuring appropriate activities are logged for Field Experience hours.
  • Review and approve the students' time log for verification of the number and appropriateness of accrued hours.

All placements will require an Affiliation Agreement between WGU and the Clinical Site.

NOTE: This is a legal contract negotiation process and can take up to 6 months to fully execute.

Plan accordingly to avoid delaying your degree progression. The WGU Outreach Team will work with the Clinical Site Contract Administrator to negotiate an Affiliation Agreement. The negotiation of these agreements takes time and can go back and forth several times before they are signed by both WGU and the Clinical Site.

To avoid delaying your degree progression, set a Health Field Experience Start Date and actively engage in networking to identify potential Sites and Preceptors.

Clinical Learning and Placement Support


Clinical Learning & Placement Support Department:

  • Confirms student's completion of all site-specific compliance requirements (e.g. immunizations, background checks, all onboarding.)
  • Establishes Affiliation Agreements or Memorandums of Understanding  with health facilities to provide students an opportunity to work with an organization.
  • The primary point of contact for all communication regarding documentation and site-specific paperwork required for your Field Experience Placement.
  • Provides the official Clearance Confirmation Emails advising a student is fully cleared to begin their Clinical Placement.

Placement Connections:

Compliance Coordinator
The primary point of contact related to student compliance items (immunizations, background check, drug screens, etc .)

Outreach Coordinator
WGU Clinical Learning and Placement Support Team related to Affiliation Agreements with partnering Clinical Sites.

Placement Coordinator
The primary point of contact for all site-specific paperwork required for placement. Provides the final Clearance Email.

BSNU Clinical Preceptors


Appropriate Preceptors must have earned a bachelor's degree or higher in nursing (BSN,MSN,NP, DNP), must have a minimum of one year of current experience in the field Experience clinical area, must hold an active, unencumbered license in the state where the organization is located or hold a multistate license in another state which allows them to practice in that state.

Students must engage in 2 Field Experiences throughout the program in D224 and D225.

The preceptor for the required field experience in D224 Global and Population Health must have 1 year of experience primarily in areas of Wellness, Disease Prevention and Regenerative Restorative Care. To meet the course competencies the preceptor must have the ability to provide appropriate learning opportunities and provide field experience activities that demonstrate the nurse’s role in improved health care outcomes by identifying Social Determinates of Health and using data to identify health trends to support health and environmental interventions.

The preceptor for the required field experience in D225 Emerging Professional Practice must have 1 year of experience primarily in areas of Chronic Disease Management and Palliative or Hospice Care. To meet the course competencies the preceptor must have the ability to provide appropriate learning opportunities and provide field experience activities that support interventions that alleviate suffering, improve quality of life, and empower patients and families who have received life-limiting diagnoses.

Students must identify their own Preceptor.

  • As this is a volunteer (unpaid) position, we do not have a list of Preceptors for students to choose from.
  • Working with a self-Identified preceptor ensures that you have a preceptor who is personally invested in your academic success.
  • Working with a self-Identified preceptor ensures that the Preceptor will be available at a time and geographic location most suitable to your needs within each Placement.
  • Family members, close family or personal friends, or a student's direct supervisor are NOT allowed to serve as preceptors for the students in D224 and D225.

Tips for Identifying a Potential Preceptor:

Networking with personal and professional contacts
Connecting with people and professionals in your circle is a great way to secure your placement with someone who is invested in your success.

Approaching potential sites in person
Meeting face-to-face with potential sites and presenting a copy of your resume allows you to make a good first impression.

Cold calling potential sites
Cold calling provides a great opportunity to  introduce yourself, discuss your need for placement, and overall goals for your degree

Below are talking points to provide confidence in expressing the Preceptorship clearly and professionally when networking to secure a Preceptor. Students should find their own style, but use the following information as basic content.

My preceptor:

  • Must have earned a bachelor's degree of higher and have a  minimum of one year of current experience in the field experience clinical area.
  • Must hold an unencumbered license in the state where the organization is located or hold a multistate license in another state which allows them to practice in that state.
  • Will orient me to the clinical setting and provide information, contacts, and resources for completing my field experience.
  • Will facilitate experiences that immerse me in the provider role. My preceptor will complete a brief online training module as well as work with my Course Instructors.
  • Will verify my hours and provide an evaluation of my field experience.
  • Will receive no monetary compensation from me as the student or WGU.

Why: The WGU BSNU program is preparing me to become a primary care provider through required field experiences. These experiences, obtained during the Global and Population Health and Emerging Profession Practice courses,  provide me with an opportunity to apply what I have learned during my specialty courses in a real-world setting.

What: These experiences are precepted learning opportunities that will help me develop knowledge, skills, and abilities across the 4 spheres of care - Wellness/Disease Prevention, Regenerative/Restorative Care, Chronic Disease Management, and Palliative or Hospice Care.

When: I am required to complete a minimum of 100 direct patient care clinical hours distributed across 2 Field Experience courses..

  • D224 Global and Population Health - minimum of 55 hrs.
  • D225 Emerging Professional Practice - minimum  of 45 hrs.

How: The program prepares graduates to distinguish between global, public, and population health for improved health outcomes. Identify social determinants of health (SDOH) and interventions for equitable healthcare improvements. The learner explains inter-professional interventions that alleviate suffering, improve quality of life, and empower patients and families who have received life-limiting diagnoses.

Clinical Sites & Affiliation Agreements


A WGU appropriate clinical site is a health site that offers a learner sufficient direct patient care learning opportunities across the lifespan, with diverse populations related to the course task requirements in D224 and D225.

Students must work with a BSN Prepared Nurse employed by appropriate clinical sites in their local community, as available, in the provision of direct care across the 4 Spheres of Care:

  • Wellness/Disease Prevention
  • Regenerative/Restorative Care
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Palliative or Hospice Care

Inpatient hospital settings are not appropriate for D224 or D225 field experience hours. Click here to access a printable PDF of Acceptable Field Experience Sites for D224/D225.

All placements will require an Affiliation Agreement between WGU and the Clinical Site.

NOTE: This is a legal contract negotiation process and can take 4 to 6 months to fully execute. Plan accordingly to avoid delaying your degree progression.

The WGU Contract Outreach Team will work with the Clinical Site Contract Administrator to negotiate an Affiliation Agreement. The Contract Administrator is different from your preceptor.  The Contract Administrator is a contact from the potential clinical site who has authority to approve and sign agreements and/or the liaison between WGU and the potential clinical site. The negotiation of these agreements take time as they go back and forth several times before they are signed by both WGU and the Clinical Site.

Once the agreement is complete, the WGU Contract Outreach Team will notify the Placement Support Coordinator if there are any additional site-specific requirements or onboarding. Students will be notified by Clinical Learning and Placement Support of any additional site-specific requirements once the agreement has been fully executed and approved for student placement. These requirements might include additional site-specific onboarding, orientation, or compliance-related items such as a Drug Screen or Physical Exam.

Depending on the Agreement that WGU has with your Clinical Site, there may be additional requirements for you to complete. Clinical Learning and Placement Support will guide you through the steps required for placement at your chosen Clinical Site. Every site has different requirements, and requirements often change. Please note that many of these requirements or 3rd party sites have additional student fees associated with them.

3rd Party on-boarding:

  • Castlebranch
  • My Clinical Exchange
  • San Diego Consortium

Site-Specific Documents and Forms:

  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Compliance Attestations
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approvals
  • Site Orientation and Badges

Compliance Requirements


Compliance and placement requirements vary from site to site. The Clinical Learning and Placement Support Team ensure students meet site-specific compliance and documentation requirements at the selected site.

All students enrolled in D224-Global and Population Health and or D225-Emerging Professional Practice completing Field Experience hours will be required to complete the standard compliance requirements prior to starting any Field Experience hours. The standard compliance requirements for WGU LSH Students in our 202202 BSNU and undergrad RN-MSN programs include but are not limited to:

  • A satisfactory criminal background check completed and updated as indicated by a facility and/or every two years.
  • Verification of immunizations - MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella), Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis), Varicella, Influenza, TB (Tuberculosis), and Hepatitis B.
  • Verification of health insurance.
  • CPR certification through the American Heart Association BLS
  • Confirmation of the student’s Registered Nurse license (if applicable). Students must be licensed in the state in which they are completing their field experiences.
  • Other vaccines or requirements as indicated by WGU, the CDC, and/or partnering organizations.

For compliance related question email with "BSNU Compliance Support" in the subject line.

Do not send any personal health records to WGU. We cannot accept, view, or store personal health information in accordance with HIPAA regulations. For compliance questions, students should email with “BSNU Compliance Support” in the subject line of the email.

Note: there is a $25 student-incurred fee for a 15 month subscription.

Compliance Steps

1. Create or Update your Complio/American Databank Account.

You will complete these requirements by either updating an existing account you previously created upon enrollment or by creating a new account. Click the button below to access ADB/Complio using your WGU login.

2. Order the "Post-Licensure Compliance Package".

  • Place an Order
  • Select Program - Post-Licensure (BSN, RN-MSN, and MSN Nursing)
  • Select Your State of Residence
  • Click on Load Packages
  • Purchase the Post-Licensure Compliance Package

Utilize this link for access to step by step instructions on how to order your Immunization Tracking Package.

There is a student-incurred fee for all packages.

3. Upload proof of vaccination or proof of immunity (positive antibody titer) as well as a negative tuberculosis test.

  • MMR
  • TDAP 
  • Varicella 
  • Influenza 
  • Hepatitis B

Titer results for the above pathogens must be positive. A negative result will require additional boosters doses. Verification of immunity to communicable diseases may include documentation of vaccinations and/or serologic evidence of immunity via IgG antibody titer screenings.

  • Tuberculosis

Verification of immunity against Mychobacterium tuberculosis requires a negative skin tests, blood test or chest x-ray.

Use this form as a reference on what is needed to complete each compliance item: Compliance Form (ADB) Required Documentation.

Immunization records must have:

  • Patient full name
  • Date of test or vaccine
  • Test results
  • Facility or physician office where completed

We cannot accept handwritten immunization records/cards.

The COVID-19 vaccine, although not required by WGU for the BSNU Program, may be required by your placement site. Please upload COVID vaccine cards in the COVID-19 Section within Complio.

Documentation of immunity to communicable diseases and screening for tuberculosis is stringently required for all nursing students at WGU. Even if a student is seeking placement with their employer, a fully compliant ADB account is required, as employment status and placement are not interrelated.

A declination form is not appropriate unless there is a documented medical limitation to a vaccine. In order to decline a compliance item, you will need to submit an Exception Request within American DataBank/Complio providing documentation of necessity with proof from your Physician. Exception Requests will be reviewed by the WGU Compliance Team and if the exception is approved you may receive a final declination form to fill out.

4. Proof of CPR and Health Insurance

  • CPR card BLS through AHA - front & back required
  • Proof of Health Insurance - front & back required

ONLY complete the items below if advised to do so by your WGU Placement Coordinator.

Add-on Compliance Packages have an additional fee associated.

Background Check

ONLY renewed if advised to do so by your Placement Coordinator. (Additional Fee)

Please note you may have completed this upon admission to WGU. Your background check expires after two years and must be current at the time of your Internship. There may also be a site-specific requirement of an additional background check. You will be notified, by your Placement Coordinator, if your placement requires an additional or updated background check.

Physical Exam

Site-Specific. Only needed if advised to do so by your Placement Coordinator.
(Additional Fee)

The WGU Physical Exam Form must be completed by a licensed M.D., N.P., C.N.M., or P.A. Once you have completed your physical examination, you will upload the signed form into the Miscellaneous Sub-Category within your American Data Bank account.

10 Panel Drug Screening

Site-Specific. Only needed if advised by your Placement Coordinator. (Additional Fee)

To order a drug screening within your ADB/Complio compliance account, please complete the following steps:

  • Log into your Complio account at
  • Select Place Order in the top right of your Complio account next to the shopping cart icon
  • Select Program from the drop-down menu
  • Select Location/State from the drop-down menu
  • Click the Load Packages button
  • From the Screening Section – Select Drug Screening 10 Panel

After you purchase the drug screening package, you will receive an email with materials and directions guiding you to complete the screening at a testing center nearest you. Your drug screen voucher expires 30 days from purchase. Some clinical sites require drug screening to be completed within a certain time-frame in relation to your start date. I.e 30 days from your start date.

WGU cannot accept a drug screening from any other source besides our affiliate.  

NOTE: Your drug screening sample can take up to 3 days to process, so please plan accordingly. The results will automatically post to your Complio account. However, please email when you have completed the screening so we can update your compliance status.

Download Compliance FAQ

Compliance requirements align with site contractual/legal expectations and practices that have become standard in the healthcare industry and are required to meet the legal liability for your field experience within a healthcare setting. The compliance requirements help to reduce communicable diseases in the healthcare setting, ultimately keeping you, patients, and healthcare workers safe during your internships.

Yes, you will need to complete the compliance requirements. You are not considered an employee during your field experience, even if you are employed at the same site. Your employment status and your Field Experience are not interconnected.

To submit your compliance documentation, you will need to order an immunization-tracking package within your American DataBank account. The website address is

Yes, the immunization-tracking subscription is a student incurred fee. There may be fees associated with the purchase of additional site-specific compliance items (i.e., drug screening, updated background check if necessary, etc.) Please check the American DataBank website for these specific costs.

You should begin working on Compliance immediately following the Clinical Information Session. Your ADB/Complio account must be fully compliant, a minimum of one month prior to your Field Experience.

No, please do not send any personal health records to the University, as WGU cannot accept or store personal health information in accordance with HIPAA regulations. All compliance documentation must be submitted to your account within the American DataBank.

You can obtain the documentation for your RN license from your state-specific Board of Nursing website or Nursys online service. Nursys’ website address is To submit proof of your current nursing license, you can upload a screen capture or picture.

The background check that you completed upon admission to WGU is valid for two years. If your background check is more than two years old, you will need to purchase a new one in order to meet your compliance requirements. There may also be the request of a site-specific background check. If an additional background check is required, you will be notified by Clinical Learning & Placement Support.

You will need to order a drug screening through the American DataBank. Once the order is complete, you will receive an email with details on where to go to provide your sample to complete this requirement.

The physical form was included in your “Compliance Requirements Needed” email, but it can also be found in the Documents and Forms section. You will upload your completed physical exam form to the Miscellaneous Sub-Category within your American DataBank account.

Your employer may not require an up-to-date TB screening for your employment; however, your employment status and your Field Experience are not interconnected. Therefore, to complete the compliance requirements, you will need to show proof of a current TB screening.

Unfortunately, WGU cannot assist you with logging into your compliance account with the American DataBank. To reset your password or to obtain your login credentials, please contact the American DataBank helpline is (800) 200-0853.

Acceptable Compliance Document Descriptions. Access the full PDF here.

If you need assistance within the American Databank - Complio Account, please check the video links below for frequently asked questions.

Overview of the Field Experiences for All Students


Anything related to your current work position (e.g., CPR training, work shifts, training orientation, or courses, classes, or conferences) are not acceptable for this project, nor are drive time, orientation, or other logistical or administrative tasks (e.g., obtaining a facility badge).

If you have questions about course content please reach out to your  Course Instructor.

Wellness, Disease Prevention, and Regenerative or Restorative Care (55 Total Hours)

Global and Population Health prepares students for the role of the nurse in preserving and promoting health among diverse populations. Additionally, basic principles of epidemiology, social determinants of health (SDOH), and resource allocation through value-based care are outlined. The course introduces planning, organization, and delivery of services for diverse populations in community settings, including illness prevention, disaster preparedness, and environmental health. In the required student field experience, the student will become familiar with the many methods nurses interact within their communities to support and maintain the health of the population through restorative or regenerative care.

Inpatient hospital settings are not appropriate for D224 or D225 field experience hours.

D224 - Prevention and Regenerative Field Experience

D224 - Prevention in a population - student identifies an at-risk population from the community assessment and completes direct hours such as patient assessment, education, planning related to this population.

D224 - Regenerative/Restorative- identify a chronic health issue/disease and focus upon care needs of this population by completing direct hours such as patient assessment, education, planning, or communication with this population.

This is an interactive experience - speak with patients, observe care, education, etc. The student is required to complete a total of 35 direct hours with 10 of those hours completed in the area of Prevention or Regenerative/Restorative care.

This course covers the following competencies:

  • The learner distinguishes between global, public, and population health for improved health outcomes.
  • The learner identifies social determinants of health (SDOH) and interventions for equitable healthcare improvements.
  • The learner identifies epidemiological data sources that inform population health interventions.
  • The learner identifies the effect of global health trends on healthcare capacity that inform service modification decisions in healthcare.
  • The learner evaluates population health solutions for environmental health effects.

Chronic Disease Management and Palliative Care/Hospice (45 Total Hours)

Emerging Professional Practice presents a variety of professional nursing specialty areas. Students explore various practice specialties, including palliative care, genetics and genomics, and others. The course provides pathways to specialized nursing practice. In the required student field experience, the student will become familiar with the many methods nurses use to interact within their communities to support and maintain the health of the population through the management of chronic disease, or in working with a population experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic illness or recovering from a trauma.

Inpatient hospital settings are not appropriate for D224 or D225 field experience hours.

D225 - Chronic Health and Palliative Care Field Experience

D225 - Chronic Health care in a population - student identifies a chronic disease and the population impacted and completes direct hours such as patient assessment, education, planning related to this population

D225 - Palliative care in a population - identify a palliative care population and focus upon care needs of this population by completing direct hours such as patient assessment, education, planning, or communication with this population.

This is an interactive experience - speak with patients, observe care, education, etc.

The student is required to complete a total of 45 direct hours with 10 of those hours in the area of Chronic Health and Palliative care.

This course covers the following competencies:

  • The learner analyzes genetic and genomic influences and risks to plan patient education that recognizes individual attitudes and values.
  • The learner explains interprofessional interventions that alleviate suffering, improve quality of life, and empower patients and families who have received life-limiting diagnoses.
  • The learner creates a personal five-year professional development plan that includes professional certification or specialized education that facilitates lifelong learning.

Review for Approval & Confirmation Email


You cannot engage in any Field Experience hours prior to receiving a Clearance Confirmation email from Clinical Learning and Placement Support.

Once you have:

  • Identified Clinical Preceptors and Clinical Sites
  • Confirmed Preceptor Approval
  • Completed Compliance Requirements and any additional Site-Specific Requirements

All records will be reviewed, in full, for Final Placement Approval. Some clinical sites require WGU's Clinical Learning and Placement Support Team to send all of your documents to them for Clinical Site review or require additional onboarding through a 3rd party vendor, which can add to the amount of time it takes to review your placement. Review times will vary depending on the requirements and time-frame of your Clinical Site.

Clinical Sites and Preceptors are approved for their ability to provide students with clinical experiences consistent with the course, certification requirements, and the mission of the school.

The email will come from The email is sent to the student, with a copy to the Preceptor, Program Mentor, and Course Instructor's inbox. The subject line says "Clearance Confirmation Email." You will receive a separate Clearance Confirmation email for both the D224 and D225 Field Experiences.

Do not complete any hours prior to receiving your clearance confirmation email. Any hours completed prior to receiving your clearance confirmation email will not count towards course completion.

Wyoming State Board of Nursing approval consists of:

  • Confirmation of affiliation agreement between WGU and your chosen site
  • Confirmation of Course Objectives
  • Verification of your Preceptors Credentials and Resume

Your WGU CLPS Coordinator will submit the Approval Request to the Board. All records will be reviewed, in full, for Final Placement Approval.

Student Facing Field Experience Page

You will access and complete the placement requirements within the student facing Field Experience Page. You can access the page within your Student Portal within the Student Support Tab under "Field Experience" or within your Degree Plan by clicking the Field Experience Button in the top right corner.

On the Field Experience Page, you can access key information regarding your Internships including:

  • Health Field Experience Start Date,
  • Current Placement Progress notes from your Placement Coordinator
  • A Field Experience Toolbox with links to key resources
  • Contact information for your Placement Coordinator and Program Mentor
  • Deadline Dates & Status of all Field Experience Requirements.

Documents and Forms:

Depending on the Agreement that WGU has with your Clinical Site, there may be additional requirements for you to complete. Wyoming State Board of Nursing Approval Consists of: Confirmation of affiliation agreement between WGU and your chosen site Confirmation of Course Objectives Verification of your Preceptors Credentials and Resume Your WGU CLPS Coordinator will submit the Approval Request to the Board All records will be reviewed, in full, for Final Placement Approval. Please note that many of these requirements or 3rd party sites have additional student fees associated with them.

3rd Party on-boarding:

  • Castlebranch
  • My Clinical Exchange
  • San Diego Consortium

Site-Specific Documents and Forms:

  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Compliance Attestations
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approvals
  • Site Orientation and Badges

Have questions? Send an email to: