WGU's Teacher Licensure Programs are Accredited by AAQEP
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AAQEP-Accredited Teacher Licensure Degree Programs
The teacher initial licensure programs offered through the WGU Teachers College have been awarded full accreditation by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) through June 30, 2026. Full accreditation acknowledges that a program prepares effective educators who continue to grow as professionals and that the program has demonstrated the commitment and capacity to continue to do so.
1. Overview and Context
This overview describes the mission and context of the educator preparation provider and the programs included in its AAQEP review.Western Governors University (WGU) is a private, nonprofit, online university founded by 19 US governors. From its inception, WGU removed barriers to accessing higher education and earning a degree. The mission of WGU is to change lives for the better by creating pathways to opportunity. WGU is characterized by its flexible learning architecture and multi-dimensional delivery, which allows us to better personalize learning, adapt to changing workforce needs, and provide relevant pathways for an individual’s first and next opportunity. The vision for future higher education that emerged among the governors of the Western Governors Association encompassed Competency-Based Education (CBE). WGU pioneered competency-based education and remains the only institution offering competency-based degrees at scale, creating a model other colleges and universities are increasingly striving to replicate.
WGU bases the earning of a degree on a candidate’s demonstration of competency. Competency may be thought of as "possessing and demonstrating the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform at the appropriate level for the degree being awarded." Subject matter experts draw upon practical experience, job task analyses, published standards, and other research to define competence. WGU's competency-based approach provides evidence, collected through rigorous assessment throughout each program, to ensure that each candidate is competent.
WGU measures progress through “competency units” rather than traditional “credit hours.” Competency units correlate to course outcomes without regard for the time it takes a student to achieve mastery. Appropriately designed and psychometrically-sound student assessments like performance tasks, objective exams, live observations, and simulations are direct indicators of knowledge and skill acquired. Students receive credit by passing all assessments to demonstrate competency. Students are either considered competent or not for each assessment; there are neither subjective scales of traditional grades nor the capacity to “make up” for a low grade on one assessment by excelling at another. WGU’s high standard of mastery has been designed to equate to a 3.00 on a 4.00 GPA scale. All courses in WGU’s curricula have been designed to associate competency units with credit hours. For example, the learning outcomes and course objectives that would be appropriate for a traditional 3-credit course are included and assessed in a 3-competency-unit course at WGU.
WGU established the School of Education (SoE) in 2022. The SOE comprises higher education and workforce learning programs, early college pathways, the College of General Education, and Teachers College. Educator preparation programs are housed in the Teachers College which has academic and operational authority over all licensure programs.
Assessment data included in this report reflect cumulative ratings, or all iterations of the assessments taken by all students during the designated data cycle.
Bachelor's Degrees with Licensure
- Elementary Education – B.A.
- Special Education and Elementary Education (Dual Licensure) – B.A.
- Special Education (Mild-to-Moderate) – B.A.
- Mathematics Education (Middle Grades) – B.S.
- Mathematics Education (Secondary) – B.S.
- Science Education (Middle Grades) – B.S.
- Science Education (Secondary Chemistry) – B.S.
- Science Education (Secondary Physics) – B.S.
- Science Education (Secondary Biological Science) – B.S.
- Science Education (Secondary Earth Science) – B.S.
Master's and Post-Baccalaureate Degrees with Licensure
- Teaching, Elementary Education – M.A.
- Teaching, English Education (Secondary) – M.A.
- Teaching, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades) – M.A.
- Teaching, Mathematics Education (Secondary) – M.A.
- Teaching, Science Education (Secondary) – M.A.
- Post-Baccalaureate, Elementary Education (TC retired this program in 2020)
- Teaching, Special Education (K-12) – M.A.
2. Enrollment and Completion Data
The table below shows enrollment and completion data from the most recently completed academic year for each program included in the AAQEP review.
Program Specification: Enrollment and Completers for Academic Year 2023-24 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)
Table 1. Program Specification: Enrollment and Completers for Academic Year 2023-2024
Degree or Certificate
State Certificate, License, Endorsement, or Other Credential
Number of Candidates
Number of Completers
BA, Elementary Education
Elementary Education
PB, Elementary Education
Elementary Education
MAT, Elementary Education
Elementary Education
BA, Special Education (K-12) Note: dual licensure with special education and elementary education
(Legacy and Redesigned programs)
Elementary Education and
Mild to Moderate Special Education
BA, Special Education-Mild to Moderate
Mild to Moderate Special Education
MAT, Special Education K-12
Special Education K-12: Mild/Moderate
MAT, English Education (Secondary)
English Endorsement
BS, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades)
Mathematics Endorsement
MAT, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades)
Mathematics Endorsement Middle Grades
BS, Mathematics Education (Secondary)
Mathematics Endorsement Secondary
MAT, Mathematics Education (Secondary)
Mathematics Endorsement Secondary
BS, Science Education (Middle Grades)
Science Middle Grades
BS, Science Education (Secondary Chemistry)
Chemistry Secondary
BS, Science Education (Secondary Physics)
Physics Secondary
BS, Science Education (Secondary Earth Science)
Earth Science Secondary
BS, Science Education (Secondary Biological Science)
Biological Science Secondary
MAT, Science Education (Secondary) (includes Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Earth Science and Physics)
Science Education Secondary
Total for programs that lead to initial credentials
Degree or Certificate
State Certificate, License, Endorsement, or Other Credential
Degree or Certificate
Number of Candidates
Degree or Certificate
Number of Completers
BA, Elementary Education
Elementary Education
BA, Elementary Education
BA, Elementary Education
PB, Elementary Education
Elementary Education
PB, Elementary Education
PB, Elementary Education
MAT, Elementary Education
Elementary Education
MAT, Elementary Education
MAT, Elementary Education
BA, Special Education (K-12) Note: dual licensure with special education and elementary education
(Legacy and Redesigned programs)
Elementary Education and
Mild to Moderate Special Education
BA, Special Education (K-12) Note: dual licensure with special education and elementary education
(Legacy and Redesigned programs)
BA, Special Education (K-12) Note: dual licensure with special education and elementary education
(Legacy and Redesigned programs)
BA, Special Education-Mild to Moderate
Mild to Moderate Special Education
BA, Special Education-Mild to Moderate
BA, Special Education-Mild to Moderate
MAT, Special Education K-12
Special Education K-12: Mild/Moderate
MAT, Special Education K-12
MAT, Special Education K-12
MAT, English Education (Secondary)
English Endorsement
MAT, English Education (Secondary)
MAT, English Education (Secondary)
BS, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades)
Mathematics Endorsement
BS, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades)
BS, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades)
MAT, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades)
Mathematics Endorsement Middle Grades
MAT, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades)
MAT, Mathematics Education (Middle Grades)
BS, Mathematics Education (Secondary)
Mathematics Endorsement Secondary
BS, Mathematics Education (Secondary)
BS, Mathematics Education (Secondary)
MAT, Mathematics Education (Secondary)
Mathematics Endorsement Secondary
MAT, Mathematics Education (Secondary)
MAT, Mathematics Education (Secondary)
BS, Science Education (Middle Grades)
Science Middle Grades
BS, Science Education (Middle Grades)
BS, Science Education (Middle Grades)
BS, Science Education (Secondary Chemistry)
Chemistry Secondary
BS, Science Education (Secondary Chemistry)
BS, Science Education (Secondary Chemistry)
BS, Science Education (Secondary Physics)
Physics Secondary
BS, Science Education (Secondary Physics)
BS, Science Education (Secondary Physics)
BS, Science Education (Secondary Earth Science)
Earth Science Secondary
BS, Science Education (Secondary Earth Science)
BS, Science Education (Secondary Earth Science)
BS, Science Education (Secondary Biological Science)
Biological Science Secondary
BS, Science Education (Secondary Biological Science)
BS, Science Education (Secondary Biological Science)
MAT, Science Education (Secondary) (includes Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Earth Science and Physics)
Science Education Secondary
MAT, Science Education (Secondary) (includes Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Earth Science and Physics)
MAT, Science Education (Secondary) (includes Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Earth Science and Physics)
Total for programs that lead to initial credentials
Total for programs that lead to initial credentials
Total for programs that lead to initial credentials
3. Program Performance Indicators
The program performance information in Table 2 applies to the academic year indicated in Table 1.
A. Total enrollment in the educator preparation programs shown in Table 1. This figure is an unduplicated count, i.e., individuals earning more than one credential may be counted in more than one line above but only once here.
B. Total number of unique completers (across all programs) included in Table 1. This figure is an unduplicated count, i.e., individuals who earned more than one credential may be counted in more than one line above but only once here.
C. Number of recommendations for certificate, license, or endorsement included in Table 1.
Between 7/1/22-6/30/23, WGU recommended 4,161 candidates for an initial license. Of those 4,161:
- 133 were recommended in multiple states.
- 1 candidate was recommended in 3 states.
- 68 candidates were recommended in 2 states because they followed the reciprocity pathway.
- 64 candidates were recommended in 2 states because they were moving after graduation.
The lower number of recommendations than completers may be due to individuals who delayed application for licensure, and those who have one or more licensure requirements to fulfill before they would be eligible for recommendation.
D. Cohort completion rates for candidates who completed the various programs within their respective program’s expected timeframe and in 1.5 times the expected timeframe.
Master’s degrees and Post-Baccalaureate: Overall completion rate within the expected (2 year) time frame was 90.00%
Master’s degrees and Post-Baccalaureate: Overall completion rate within 1.5x of the expected time frame (3 years) was 10.00%
Bachelors: Overall completion rate within the expected (4 year) time frame was 89.44%
Bachelors: Overall completion rate within 1.5x of the expected time frame (6 years) was 10.56%
E. Summary of state license examination results, including teacher performance assessments, and specification of any examinations on which the pass rate (cumulative at time of reporting) was below 80%.
The overall pass rate on Praxis was 86.71% in 2022-2023. Most programs had pass rates in the range of the low 70% to 97%. The lowest overall pass rate was 70.67% (Secondary Science, Chemistry) which has an N of 10.
The overall pass rate on EdTPA was 94.27% in 2022-2023. Most programs had pass rates in the range of the high 90% to 100%. The lowest was 83.30% (Secondary Mathematics programs). The highest was 100% (Middle Grades Sciences and Middle Grade Mathematics).
F. Narrative explanation of evidence available from program completers, with a characterization of findings.
TC systematically tracks completers after they enter the teaching profession to evaluate the WGU programs’ impact on teacher success. One tool we use is a pair of surveys sent to completers and their employers which asks the similar questions of the two groups on matters of importance to the success of all P-12 students. The survey asks the respondents to rate how well the program prepared the completer on items aligned with the INTASC Standards on a scale of Extremely Well, Very Well, Moderately Well, Slightly Well, and Not Well at All. The number of responses was up from last years, with 194 initial-level program completers responding to the survey in 2022-2023 (161 responded in 2021-2022). The majority of completers reported satisfaction with preparation on all standards. The total percent of completers who said they were Extremely Well- and Very Well-prepared ranges from 77.65% on Instructional Planning to 83.34% on Professional Responsibilities.
Extremely Well
Very Well
Content Knowledge
Learner and Learning
Instructional Planning
Professional Responsibilites
Extremely Well
Very Well
Content Knowledge
Content Knowledge
Content Knowledge
Learner and Learning
Learner and Learning
Learner and Learning
Instructional Planning
Instructional Planning
Instructional Planning
Professional Responsibilites
Professional Responsibilites
Professional Responsibilites
G. Narrative explanation of evidence available from employers of program completers, with a characterization of findings.
TC systematically tracks completers after they enter the teaching profession to evaluate the WGU programs’ impact on teacher success. One tool we use is a pair of surveys sent to completers and their employers which asks similar questions of the two groups on matters of importance to the success of all P-12 students. The survey asks the respondents to rate how well the program prepared the completer on items aligned with the INTASC Standards on a scale of Extremely Well, Very Well, Moderately Well, Slightly Well, and Not Well at All. If the completer gives WGU permission to contact their employer and provides contact information, a similar survey is sent to the employer. Although the candidate response rate was lower this year, the employer response rate was slightly higher, with 122 of these employers responding to the survey in 2022-2023 (97 responded in 2021-2022). The majority of employers reported satisfaction with the completer’s preparation on all standards. Completers and their employers tended to agree on how well TC prepares candidates on the INTASC standards. A notable difference is completers gave Content Knowledge (80.93%), while employers gave this area the highest rating. The total percent of employers who said the completer was Extremely Well- and Very Well-prepared ranges from 82.79% on Learner and Learning to 86.07% on Content Knowledge.
Extremely Well
Very Well
Content Knowledge
Learner and Learning
Instructional Planning
Professional Responsibilites
Extremely Well
Very Well
Content Knowledge
Content Knowledge
Content Knowledge
Learner and Learning
Learner and Learning
Learner and Learning
Instructional Planning
Instructional Planning
Instructional Planning
Professional Responsibilites
Professional Responsibilites
Professional Responsibilites
H. Narrative explanation of how the program investigates employment rates for program completers, with a characterization of findings. This section may also indicate rates of completers’ ongoing education, e.g., graduate study.
TC systematically tracks completers after they enter the teaching profession to evaluate the WGU programs’ impact on teacher success. One tool we use is a pair of surveys sent to completers and their employers. Completers are asked if they are employed as teachers, employed but not as teachers, or if they are not employed. Completers who submitted the survey in 2022-2023 reported:
Teaching, full time – 74.37%
Teaching, part time – 6.01%
Total Teaching – 80.38%
Employed full time, but not in teaching – 10.44%
Employed part time, but not in teaching – 2.22%
4. Candidate Academic Performance Indicators
Tables 3 and 4 report on select measures of candidate/completer performance related to AAQEP Standards 1 and 2, including the program’s expectations for successful performance and indicators of the degree to which those expectations are met.
Table 3: Expectations and Performance on Standard 1: Candidate and Completer Performance
Provider-Selected Measures
Explanation of Performance Expectation
Level or Extent of Success in Meeting the Expectation
WGU-TC is a competency-based program. All courses and all programs have embedded competencies.
In order pass a course, candidates must all demonstrate competencies at 3.0 GPA equivalent. In order to meet program completion requirements, candidates must pass all courses.
100% of completers meet program competencies.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)*
(Previously Demonstration Teaching)
Final Evaluation
*TC transitioned to a new assessment with new scoring levels which took effect for this reporting period
DOLP evaluation is scored and evaluated by INTASC standards, with multiple aspect ratings within each standard. Eighty percent of the standards should be at the target level (2.40) or higher to indicate adequate progression. Scoring levels are:
0 = Not Effective
Performance is below the target of initial student interactions.
1 = Beginning
Target performance at the end of the early clinical experiences, professional core and teaching methods courses
2 = Developing
Target performance at the end of the intermediate clinical experiences, Preclinical Experiences
3 = Effective
Target performance at the end of the culminating clinical experiences, Demonstration Teaching
NA = Not Observed
Used only for observations. Not observed is for classification of an aspect that was not observable or needing to be included based on the lesson delivered. All aspects of an evaluation must be able to be rated and include a measurable score.
DT evaluation was scored and evaluated by INTASC standards, with multiple aspect ratings within each standard. The expectation for candidates was 3.0 in order to pass. The scoring scale was:
0 = Not Observed. The candidate did not demonstrate the teaching practice.
1 = Emerging. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they require significant remediation to improve
the teaching practice. The candidate requires sustained, intensive support in order to achieve success.
2 = Learning. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they are learning and require some additional practice to fully demonstrate competency for the teaching practice. The candidate lacks professional confidence and requires additional support in order to achieve success.
3 = Competent. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they are fully competent to meet the teaching practice. The candidate is generally confident, competent, and demonstrates potential for success.
Data reflect cumulative ratings, or all iterations of the assessments taken by all students during the designated data cycle.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)
Fall 2022 = 2.95 (0-3 range)
Spring 2023 = 2.95 (0-3 range)
Demonstration Teaching (DT)
Fall 2021= 3.58 (0-4 range)
Spring 2022 = 3.66 (0-4 range)
Licensure Exams
Pass with score greater than 80%
The overall pass rate on Praxis was 86.71% in 2022-2023.
Provider-Selected Measures
Explanation of Performance Expectation
Provider-Selected Measures
Level or Extent of Success in Meeting the Expectation
WGU-TC is a competency-based program. All courses and all programs have embedded competencies.
In order pass a course, candidates must all demonstrate competencies at 3.0 GPA equivalent. In order to meet program completion requirements, candidates must pass all courses.
WGU-TC is a competency-based program. All courses and all programs have embedded competencies.
100% of completers meet program competencies.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)*
(Previously Demonstration Teaching)
Final Evaluation
*TC transitioned to a new assessment with new scoring levels which took effect for this reporting period
DOLP evaluation is scored and evaluated by INTASC standards, with multiple aspect ratings within each standard. Eighty percent of the standards should be at the target level (2.40) or higher to indicate adequate progression. Scoring levels are:
0 = Not Effective
Performance is below the target of initial student interactions.
1 = Beginning
Target performance at the end of the early clinical experiences, professional core and teaching methods courses
2 = Developing
Target performance at the end of the intermediate clinical experiences, Preclinical Experiences
3 = Effective
Target performance at the end of the culminating clinical experiences, Demonstration Teaching
NA = Not Observed
Used only for observations. Not observed is for classification of an aspect that was not observable or needing to be included based on the lesson delivered. All aspects of an evaluation must be able to be rated and include a measurable score.
DT evaluation was scored and evaluated by INTASC standards, with multiple aspect ratings within each standard. The expectation for candidates was 3.0 in order to pass. The scoring scale was:
0 = Not Observed. The candidate did not demonstrate the teaching practice.
1 = Emerging. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they require significant remediation to improve
the teaching practice. The candidate requires sustained, intensive support in order to achieve success.
2 = Learning. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they are learning and require some additional practice to fully demonstrate competency for the teaching practice. The candidate lacks professional confidence and requires additional support in order to achieve success.
3 = Competent. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they are fully competent to meet the teaching practice. The candidate is generally confident, competent, and demonstrates potential for success.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)*
(Previously Demonstration Teaching)
Final Evaluation
*TC transitioned to a new assessment with new scoring levels which took effect for this reporting period
Data reflect cumulative ratings, or all iterations of the assessments taken by all students during the designated data cycle.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)
Fall 2022 = 2.95 (0-3 range)
Spring 2023 = 2.95 (0-3 range)
Demonstration Teaching (DT)
Fall 2021= 3.58 (0-4 range)
Spring 2022 = 3.66 (0-4 range)
Licensure Exams
Pass with score greater than 80%
Licensure Exams
The overall pass rate on Praxis was 86.71% in 2022-2023.
Table 4. Expectations and Performance on Standard 2: Completer Professional Competence and Growth
Provider-Selected Measures
Explanation of Performance Expectation
Level or Extent of Success in Meeting the Expectation
The overall pass rate for the EdTPA for TC is greater than 90%. As a program requirement, candidates are expected to achieve the minimum performance expectation that WGU has established.
The overall pass rate on EdTPA was 94.27% in 2022-2023.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)*
(Previously Demonstration Teaching)
Final Evaluation
*TC transitioned to a new assessment with new scoring levels which took effect for this reporting period
DOLP evaluation is scored and evaluated by INSTC standards, with multiple aspect ratings within each standard. Eighty percent of the standards should be at the target level (2.4) or higher to indicate adequate progression.
Scoring levels report are:
0 = Not Effective
Performance is below the target of initial student interactions.
1 = Beginning
Target performance at the end of the early clinical experiences, professional core and teaching methods courses
2 = Developing
Target performance at the end of the intermediate clinical experiences, Preclinical Experiences
3 = Effective
Target performance at the end of the culminating clinical experiences, Demonstration Teaching
NA = Not Observed
Used only for observations. Not observed is for classification of an aspect that was not observable or needing to be included based on the lesson delivered. All aspects of an evaluation must be able to be rated and include a measurable score.
DT evaluation was scored and evaluated by INTASC standards, with multiple aspect ratings within each standard. The expectation for candidates was 3.0 in order to pass. The scoring scale was:
0 = Not Observed. The candidate did not demonstrate the teaching practice.
1 = Emerging. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they require significant remediation to improve the teaching practice. The candidate requires sustained, intensive support in order to achieve success.
2 = Learning. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they are learning and require some additional practice to demonstrate competency for the teaching practice. The candidate lacks professional confidence and requires additional support in order to achieve success.
3 = Competent. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they are fully competent to meet the teaching practice. The candidate is generally confident, competent, and demonstrates potential for success.
4 = Exemplary. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge and skills above what is expected for a competent candidate related to the teaching practice. The candidate exudes confidence, composure, and competence, is able to work with increasing independence, and demonstrates a strong potential for success.
Data reflect cumulative ratings for all iterations of the assessments taken by all students during the designated data cycle.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)
Fall 2022 = 2.89 (0-3 range)
Spring 2023= 2.90 (0-3 range)
Demonstration Teaching (DT)
Fall 2021 = 3.45 (0-4 range)
Spring 2022 = 3.52 (0-4 range)
Professional Portfolio
Candidates must achieve competency in all performance aspects as measured by the task rubrics. The scoring levels are:
0 = Not evidence
1 = Approaching competency
2 = Competency achieved
Data reflect cumulative ratings for all iterations of the assessments taken by all candidates during the designated data cycle. All candidates must achieve a final competent rating in order to pass.
Fall 2021 = 1.94 (0-2 range)
Spring 2022 = 1.94 (0-2 range)
Fall 2022 = 1.94 (0-2 range)
Spring 2023 = 1.96 (0-2 range)
Provider-Selected Measures
Explanation of Performance Expectation
Provider-Selected Measures
Level or Extent of Success in Meeting the Expectation
The overall pass rate for the EdTPA for TC is greater than 90%. As a program requirement, candidates are expected to achieve the minimum performance expectation that WGU has established.
The overall pass rate on EdTPA was 94.27% in 2022-2023.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)*
(Previously Demonstration Teaching)
Final Evaluation
*TC transitioned to a new assessment with new scoring levels which took effect for this reporting period
DOLP evaluation is scored and evaluated by INSTC standards, with multiple aspect ratings within each standard. Eighty percent of the standards should be at the target level (2.4) or higher to indicate adequate progression.
Scoring levels report are:
0 = Not Effective
Performance is below the target of initial student interactions.
1 = Beginning
Target performance at the end of the early clinical experiences, professional core and teaching methods courses
2 = Developing
Target performance at the end of the intermediate clinical experiences, Preclinical Experiences
3 = Effective
Target performance at the end of the culminating clinical experiences, Demonstration Teaching
NA = Not Observed
Used only for observations. Not observed is for classification of an aspect that was not observable or needing to be included based on the lesson delivered. All aspects of an evaluation must be able to be rated and include a measurable score.
DT evaluation was scored and evaluated by INTASC standards, with multiple aspect ratings within each standard. The expectation for candidates was 3.0 in order to pass. The scoring scale was:
0 = Not Observed. The candidate did not demonstrate the teaching practice.
1 = Emerging. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they require significant remediation to improve the teaching practice. The candidate requires sustained, intensive support in order to achieve success.
2 = Learning. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they are learning and require some additional practice to demonstrate competency for the teaching practice. The candidate lacks professional confidence and requires additional support in order to achieve success.
3 = Competent. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge or skills that they are fully competent to meet the teaching practice. The candidate is generally confident, competent, and demonstrates potential for success.
4 = Exemplary. The candidate demonstrates through their knowledge and skills above what is expected for a competent candidate related to the teaching practice. The candidate exudes confidence, composure, and competence, is able to work with increasing independence, and demonstrates a strong potential for success.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)*
(Previously Demonstration Teaching)
Final Evaluation
*TC transitioned to a new assessment with new scoring levels which took effect for this reporting period
Data reflect cumulative ratings for all iterations of the assessments taken by all students during the designated data cycle.
Demonstration of Learning Progress (DOLP)
Fall 2022 = 2.89 (0-3 range)
Spring 2023= 2.90 (0-3 range)
Demonstration Teaching (DT)
Fall 2021 = 3.45 (0-4 range)
Spring 2022 = 3.52 (0-4 range)
Professional Portfolio
Candidates must achieve competency in all performance aspects as measured by the task rubrics. The scoring levels are:
0 = Not evidence
1 = Approaching competency
2 = Competency achieved
Professional Portfolio
Data reflect cumulative ratings for all iterations of the assessments taken by all candidates during the designated data cycle. All candidates must achieve a final competent rating in order to pass.
Fall 2021 = 1.94 (0-2 range)
Spring 2022 = 1.94 (0-2 range)
Fall 2022 = 1.94 (0-2 range)
Spring 2023 = 1.96 (0-2 range)
5. Notes on Progress, Accomplishment, and Innovation
This section describes program accomplishments, efforts, and innovations (strengths and outcomes) to address challenges and priorities over the past year.
Improvements in Literacy Instruction: School of Education received two grants from the Lily Endowment in Indiana aimed at improving the Science of Reading (SoR). As part of TC’s initial work, literacy courses in Elementary Education and Special Education programs were revised to include content on SoR, four faculty members have undergone extensive professional learning to become subject matter experts in SoR, professional learning was provided to all TC faculty, and 10 faculty members are currently undergoing LETRS training.
TC is participating in transformative work by engaging with national leaders in apprenticeships. The apprenticeship model is new in educator preparation, and TC is collaborating with partners across the nation to lead this work.
About WGU
Inspiring Stories of WGU-Educated Teachers
"My degree (B.A. Special Education) from WGU has allowed me to help both special-needs students and their families, and I've felt well-prepared since day one on the job."
Miranda Good
WGU alum
Half of what I learned from my master’s at WGU is a model for my classroom: tailoring curriculum for each student, checking in with them while giving them freedom, reducing structure and giving room for kids to learn how they learn best.”
Joel Bianchi,
M.A. Science Education (Physics)
Prepared for Success on the Job
*From a 2023 Harris Poll of 300 employers of WGU graduates.
100% of employers said that WGU graduates were prepared for their jobs.*
97% of employers said that they would hire another WGU grad.*
98% of employers said WGU graduates met or exceeded expectations.*
Find Your Degree at WGU
Educational Studies – B.A. (Does Not Lead to a Teaching License)
English Language Learning (ESL/ELL)
Curriculum and Instruction – M.S.
Education Technology & Instructional Design – M.Ed.
Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – B.S.
Network Engineering and Security – B.S.
Accelerated Information Technology Bachelor's and Master's Degree
Health Information Management – B.S. (from the Leavitt School of Health)
Information Technology Management – B.S. Business Administration (from the School of Business)
User Experience Design – B.S. (from the School of Business)
Cybersecurity and Information Assurance – M.S.
Information Technology Management – M.S.
MBA Information Technology Management (from the School of Business)
Healthcare Administration – B.S.
Human Resource Management – B.S.
Information Technology Management – B.S.
Supply Chain and Operations Management – B.S.
Accelerated Information Technology Bachelor's and Master's Degree (from the School of Technology)
Health Information Management – B.S. (from the Leavitt School of Health)
Human Resource Management – M.S.
Management and Leadership – M.S.
Master of Business Administration
MBA Information Technology Management
Master of Healthcare Administration (from the Leavitt School of Health)
Data Analytics – M.S. (from the School of Technology)
Nursing (RN to BSN online) – B.S.
Nursing (Prelicensure) – B.S. (Available in select states)
Health Information Management – B.S.
Health and Human Services – B.S.
Healthcare Administration – B.S. (from the School of Business)
Nursing – Education (BSN to MSN) – M.S.
Nursing – Leadership and Management (BSN to MSN) – M.S.
Nursing – Nursing Informatics (BSN to MSN) – M.S.
Nursing – Family Nurse Practitioner (BSN to MSN) – M.S. (Available in select states)
Nursing – Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (BSN to MSN) – M.S. (Available in select states)
Nursing – Education (RN to MSN Option) – M.S.
Nursing – Leadership and Management (RN to MSN Option) – M.S.
Nursing – Nursing Informatics (RN to MSN Option) – M.S.
Master of Healthcare Administration
MBA Healthcare Management (from the School of Business)
Nursing – Education, Post-Master's Certificate
Nursing – Leadership and Management, Post-Master's Certificate
Family Nurse Practitioner— Post-Master's Certificate
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner— Post-Master's Certificate