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Developing Your Agile Methodology Skills

Agile Methodology Skills

Agile methodology was initially designed for the software industry. Today, many industries embrace agile for developing products and services due to its nature and the enhanced efficiency it offers.

“Agile” is a term used to describe software and project development approaches that involve planning, learning, improvement, teamwork, evolving product, and early delivery. It promotes adaptability in response to changes. Developing agile methodology skills makes you versatile and adaptable to change, which is valuable for personal development and in the job market.

This guide will give an overview of agile methodology skills, why they are important, and how you can develop and implement them in the workplace.

What Are Agile Methodology Skills?

Agile methodology skills are the ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with software and project management teams and create a flexible customer-centric project management approach that prioritizes innovation and value. 

The primary emphasis of agile methodologies is to help you prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and interactive development to deliver customer value in an efficient and adaptable manner. 

Agile methodology is a set of practices you can use in software development and project management that prioritize flexibility, collaboration, and progress. With agile methodology, software development teams can continuously improve their projects and adapt to changing requirements as the project progresses.

Why Are Agile Methodology Skills Important?

With a focus on continuous improvement, an agile methodology has the potential to enhance the chances of success for your project significantly. Unlike the linear project management approach, you avoid making changes at the last minute since you incorporate customer needs as the project progresses.

Here are the reasons why agile methodology skills are important:

  • Adaptability to change: Change is constant in any business environment. Agile methodology skills provide you with the tools and mindset to embrace change. With its interactive approach, agile allows you to quickly adjust your plans, ensuring that your projects stay on course and maintain their value even in unpredictable circumstances.
  • Customer-centric approach: Continuous customer collaboration throughout your project's life ensures that your product aligns perfectly with customer needs. By refining your products using real-time feedback, you can develop solutions that deeply connect with your intended audience resulting in customer satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Enhanced team collaboration: Agile methodology skills promote teamwork and facilitate communication. Teamwork helps you overcome obstacles and exchange ideas. This collaborative atmosphere also boosts problem-solving abilities and facilitates knowledge sharing, resulting in team unity and successful project outcomes.
  • Transparent progress tracking: You can track the progress of your project by using sprints, which divide projects into time-limited iterations. This enables you to create projects easily, monitor their progress, identify and address bottlenecks, and promptly resolve any issues that may arise. 
  • Efficient resource allocation: You prioritize tasks based on their significance and urgency and ensure that resources are allocated effectively. This approach helps you to keep projects within budget and optimize the utilization of the resources at hand.
  • Faster time-to-market: You’re able to speed up timelines by delivering components in increments after each sprint. This strategy allows you to become responsive to market demand—releasing features sooner and providing benefits to both customers and stakeholders. 

What Are the Benefits of Having Agile Methodology Skills?

As more and more companies transition into a digital work environment, agile methodologies can revolutionize project management and overall operations. Teams can effectively align processes and increase productivity across the company.

Here are the benefits you'll get from developing your agile methodology skills:

  • Expanded job opportunities: 94% of software development companies have adopted agile–resulting in a growing need for professionals with agile methodology skills. The skill gives you a competitive advantage for various job opportunities. Whether you're involved in software development, project management, or any other field, your proficiency in agile paves the way for roles that align with your talents.
  • Versatility: Agile skills are not limited to any industry or job position. Skills like customer focus, collaboration, technical proficiency, and cross-functional collaboration can be applied to a range of projects. You can adapt and excel in any role, making you a valuable resource and increasing your confidence when faced with new challenges.
  • Career progression: You can showcase your capability to lead projects, collaborate and deliver outcomes effectively. You position yourself for leadership opportunities since you can guide teams toward success.

Examples of Agile Methodology Skills in the Workplace

Adopting an effective project management methodology is essential for success. Software teams can break down a project into small increments and continuously integrate feedback resulting in product engineering success.

Here are examples of how you can apply agile methodology skills in the workplace:

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

CI/CD refers to a collection of techniques that facilitate automated integration of codes into a shared repository followed by their deployment to production environments. For instance, if a source code has undergone integration and testing within an integration pipeline, it can be automatically deployed to staging or production areas. Companies use the CI/CD approach to guarantee that software remains consistent, minimizing the chances of integration problems and accelerating the delivery of features.

Scrum Master

A scrum master is a leader in a project who prioritizes the team's needs. They organize scrum events like stand-up meetings, sprint planning, sprint reviews, and retrospectives (past reflection). A scrum master uses agile skills to eliminate obstacles that may hinder the teams' progress while ensuring everyone adheres to the scrum framework.




Adaptive Planning

Software companies create flexible plans that can be adjusted according to feedback and evolving situations. For instance, if a new requirement arises, the team can modify the schedule for the sprint or iteration. This approach ensures that the team remains responsive to customer needs and market fluctuations without being constrained by plans that might become outdated.


Project Management

Project managers and software developers break down the project into tasks and iterations, constantly monitoring progress to ensure adherence to deadlines.

Personal Task Management

Individuals can create a list of tasks they need to complete during a sprint or iteration and prioritize tasks based on significance and estimated completion time. 

Personal Development

Agile methodology fosters a knowledge-sharing and mentorship culture, which helps the people involved to grow and benefit the entire team.

How Can I Use Agile Methodology Skills?

Agile methodology skills equip you with flexibility, adaptability, and customer-focus in the workplace.

Here are different ways you can use your agile methodology skills:

  • Software development: As a software engineer, you can use agile principles to create software iteratively, facilitating feedback and adaptation. Popular Agile frameworks include Scrum, Kanban, and extreme programming (XP).
  • Product development: As a product developer, you can use agile methodologies in the development of goods. You can refine and improve the product by incorporating user feedback and adapting to actual market requirements to ensure product success. 
  • Project management: You can use agile principles in various projects as a project manager. You can handle marketing campaigns, event planning, and construction projects by dividing them into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  • Marketing and advertising: In marketing campaigns, you can break advertising tasks into small phases to experiment with market changes. As a marketing manager, you can promptly adapt to evolving market dynamics and customer preferences.
  • Business process improvement: You can utilize agile methodologies to optimize and improve business processes by identifying areas that need revisions and testing modification. You can continuously adapt business strategies based on research findings and improve your company’s outcome.

How Can I Learn Agile Methodology Skills?

You can learn agile methodology skills by enrolling in degree programs offered by WGU’s College of IT or WGU's College of Business

With our College of IT and College of Business degree programs, you’ll be able to:

  • Classify algorithms according to how their running time grows, using Big O notation.
  • Collaborate on troubleshooting software problems and recommending solutions.
  • Create project plans based on the agile project management strategies model.
  • Develop software system testing or validation procedures using agile methodologies.
  • Lead project stakeholders through the agile project management strategies model.
  • Revise project plans based on project requirement changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are different operating systems that companies use based on their needs and functionality. They include:

  • To become proficient in agile methodology, familiarize yourself with concepts such as Scrum and Kanban and apply them in practical scenarios. 
  • You can enhance your knowledge by enrolling in courses at WGU's College of IT or WGU's College of Business. You can also read books on the subject, engage with communities, attend workshops, and gain hands-on experience through involvement in projects.
  • Additionally, obtaining certifications like Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) can validate your skills.

The role of a scrum master is vital in the scrum methodology to eliminate any obstacles that may hinder the team's progress, ensure that the scrum processes are followed, and promote communication. Scrum masters encourage collaboration and guide the team to improve.

Agile and Waterfall are two project management methodologies that have contrasting approaches. Agile methodology is characterized by its nature, allowing flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing requirements.

On the other hand, the waterfall methodology follows a sequence where each phase is completed before moving on to the next one. Agile methodology emphasizes customer involvement and continuous feedback while waterfall relies heavily on planning.

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At WGU, we understand the importance of flexibility in learning. We believe that education should be customized to meet your needs and preferences. We allow you to set your pace and complete your courses online at the time and place that suits you best. 

Our competency-based education model allows you to progress through courses as quickly as you master the material, potentially graduating faster and saving time and money.

To help you decide about your degree program, take the degree quiz to narrow down the options available. Get help finding the program that aligns with your interests and goals and get personalized recommendations.