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Developing Your Customer Service Skills

Customer Service Skills

Exceptional customer service is a game-changer for businesses looking to attract and retain loyal customers. It goes beyond merely satisfying your customers' needs; it creates memorable experiences that drive customer loyalty and boost sales. 

Core skills such as empathy, listening skills, clear communication, and problem-solving are at the heart of delivering exceptional customer service. 

In this guide, we explore the top customer service skills and their significance and uncover how you can develop them.

What Are Customer Service Skills?

Customer service is the act of assisting customers throughout their entire purchasing journey, from pre-purchase inquiries to post-purchase support. It involves guiding your customers in understanding how to use a product or service and addressing any issues or difficulties they may encounter. 

Customer service skills are the qualities that enable you to interact effectively and positively with customers. These skills involve understanding and meeting customer needs, addressing inquiries and concerns, and creating a positive customer experience. 

Let’s look at why customer service skills are important.

Why Are Customer Service Skills Important?

As businesses work toward higher levels of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and financial success, strong customer service skills help you create positive impressions and build long-term relationships with customers. Great customer service skills can lead to customer retention, increased sales, and positive word-of-mouth referrals, benefiting your organization's reputation and growth. 

Here are more reasons why customer service skills are important:

  • Customer loyalty and satisfaction: When customers feel valued and well-treated, they’re more likely to remain loyal to your brand.
  • Creates a better brand reputation and image: Positive customer experiences create a favorable impression of your company — especially through word-of-mouth, online reviews and referrals.
  • Opportunity to increase your sales and revenues: Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and recommend new customers, expanding your customer base and increasing potential sales.
  • Easier problem resolution: You'll be able to address the customer's problems and queries and provide timely solutions effectively. This helps you foster trust in your business and provides timely solutions.

What are the Benefits of Having Customer Service Skills?

By developing and leveraging your customer service skills, you’ll enhance your professional relationships, contribute to customer satisfaction, and demonstrate your ability to deliver exceptional service. 

These skills will position you as an asset in the job market and help you succeed in your chosen career. Here are some of the benefits of having good customer service skills:

  • Improved customer satisfaction: You'll be able to prioritize the customer's needs effectively. You can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing prompt, personalized, and courteous service. Satisfied customers are more likely to continue doing business with a company, refer others, and contribute to its success. 
  • Positive brand reputation: When customers receive excellent service, they are more likely to share their positive experiences with others by leaving positive reviews on various forums online and with friends and family. This word-of-mouth promotion can significantly influence a company's reputation, attract new customers, and contribute to its success. 
  • Increased customer retention: Satisfied and loyal customers are less likely to switch to competitors, increasing customer retention rates and long-term business stability. 
  • Stronger customer relationships: With effective customer support, you can help establish strong customer relationships leading to repeat business and creating opportunities for upselling, cross-selling, and gathering valuable customer feedback. 

Examples of Customer Service Skills in Action

Customer service skills are crucial to the success of any business establishment. Here are some practical examples of customer service skills in action.

  • Empathy and customer focus: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In customer service, demonstrating empathy involves recognizing and acknowledging customer emotions, showing compassion, and striving to meet their needs and expectations. By understanding customers' perspectives, you can provide personalized support, fostering a positive experience. 
  • Product knowledge: As a customer service professional, you must possess in-depth knowledge about the features of the products or services on offer to provide accurate information and recommendations to customers. This helps build trust, instills customer confidence, and enhances the overall customer experience. 
  • Composure: It's important to acknowledge that customers may become angry and direct their frustrations and anger on you. However, it is crucial not to take offense in these situations. Maintaining calm and refraining from getting angry yourself is vital. Respond with composure and understanding even when faced with insults. This can help de-escalate the situation and prevent it from blowing out of proportion.

These skills are valuable for handling customer complaints and everyday customer interactions. You can apply them daily to ensure customer satisfaction and happiness.

How Will I Use Customer Service Skills?

You can utilize customer service skills in various professional roles and industries. Regardless of your career path, you will likely interact with customers, clients, or colleagues who require assistance or support. Using your customer service skills, you can effectively communicate, address concerns, provide solutions, and ensure a positive experience for those you interact with. 

Here are areas where customer service skills can be put to use in practice: 

  • Understanding the needs of clients: For someone in a role such as a public relations (PR) manager, you’ll use customer service skills to understand the needs of your target clients and direct your company’s outreach strategies.
  • Communication with clients: In roles such as a sales representative, you’ll be in direct contact with your company’s clients, and you’ll need customer service skills to reach out to potential clients.
  • Client dissatisfaction support: For those who work with customers, you know it is not uncommon for clients to be dissatisfied or upset. As a social media manager, customer service skills will help you to professionally address any issues raised by customers on social media platforms.
  • Product knowledge: Understanding and being able to articulate the knowledge of the product or service is a valuable part of customer service that you can hone in your career.

How Can I Learn Customer Service Skills?

At WGU, you can develop your customer service skills through our learner-centric and time-efficient degree programs. 

In College of Business, these are some of our degree programs that incorporate relevant coursework that addresses customer service skills and principles:

  • Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management.
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Healthcare Management.
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Management.

In these programs, you will learn to:

  • Monitor customer service response metrics.
  • Escalate customer concerns to the appropriate tiered support level.

WGU prioritizes the development of essential skills through a competency-based learning model and allows students to progress at their own pace, ensuring they have ample time to master and apply the learned skills.

As a WGU student, you’ll have access to interactive learning materials that will enhance your understanding of customer service skills. These materials include videos, simulations, case studies, and scenario-based exercises.

WGU also offers skill development assessments that help you gauge your proficiency in customer service. 

In addition, you can access various support services that can assist you in developing customer service skills. These include online libraries, career development centers, workshops, and webinars. Your assigned WGU Program Mentor can provide even more guidance and specific support as you navigate your learning journey. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Employers often seek candidates who possess the following skills:

  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Positive attitude

Therefore, you should demonstrate in your résumé how you’ve applied these skills in your previous positions.

You can enhance your customer service skills by seeking customer service training, staying updated on industry trends, and seeking customer feedback.

In customer service roles, the most effective communication skills are:

  • Using the proper tone and language to address customers.
  • Being actively attentive when they’re asking questions or addressing their concerns.
  • Adapting your communication style to match the customer's needs.

Find Your Degree

Discovering the right degree program that aligns with your goals is a crucial step. You can begin the journey toward achieving personal growth and advancement. Take our degree quiz to help you identify the degree program that best suits your interests and embark on a path of knowledge and future success.