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Developing Your Java Skills

Java Skills

Today, technology is at the heart of nearly all aspects of everyday life. From smartphones to the complex systems that power industries and economies, the world runs on code. One of the most powerful and versatile programming languages to generate that code is Java.

Java, —known for its reliability, portability, and extensive community support—plays a central role in the technology landscape. It's the driving force behind many of the applications and systems we interact with daily. Java skills can help you unlock diverse career opportunities in IT. These include developing mobile apps, managing databases, creating web applications, and designing software.

In this guide, we’ll look at Java skills, why they are important, and how you can acquire them conveniently and use them in the workplace.

What Are Java Skills?

Java skills are a range of competencies in the Java programming language, including proficiency in writing, debugging, and maintaining Java code. Java is a computer programming language commonly used in web development to build dynamic websites, web applications, and even interactive games.

Having Java skills such as web technologies, Java build tools, and Java testing tools means you can write, understand, and work with Java code to build different computer programs.

Why Are Java Skills Important?

Java skills help you stay invaluable in the dynamic and competitive industry of software development because of Java programming’s enduring popularity and extensive community support. You can create different web and mobile applications for large-scale enterprise systems, making you a strong candidate in diverse industries.

Here are some reasons why Java skills are important:

  • Building and maintaining web applications and websites: Over 98% of websites rely on JavaScript as their foundation. You can create, update, fix, and expand web applications, ensuring that websites built with Java run smoothly on various devices and browsers, offering a consistent user experience.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) skills: Java is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language, meaning you can organize your programming design around a data field or object. You can apply OOP concepts to organize and structure code in a way that makes it easier to develop and manage software projects.
  • Collaboration with other developers: In workplaces where software development is a team effort, you can co-create effectively, partner on projects, share code, and understand the work of fellow employees, making the process more efficient.
  • Handling large-scale applications: Organizations rely on Java for large-scale applications and systems because of its memory management and ability to run applications without interruption. You can contribute to developing and maintaining these complex and critical software systems.
  • Innovation and adaptability: Java is a versatile language that has evolved into a robust ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that empower developers to create a wide range of software solutions. You can keep up with the latest advancements and transformations in the programming world, stay relevant, and tackle new challenges such as AI disruption.

What Are the Benefits of Having Java Skills?

Java portability enables you to create software that runs on various platforms, widening your career opportunities and giving you a chance to make a mark in the global tech industry. Java’s widespread use in diverse domains, from web and mobile development to enterprise systems, ensures Java skills remain relevant and applicable.

Here are the benefits of developing your Java skills:

  • Industry demand: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects over 153,900 openings for software developers each year from 2022 to 2032. These skills give you a marketable career because of the constant demand for people with Java expertise.
  • Job stability: With these skills, you can work in a high-paying, stable career with an estimated average salary of $101,631. You can work across various industries, including finance, healthcare, and technology. Java’s popularity reduces the risk of job market fluctuations.
  • Remote work opportunities: Most programming roles don’t require you to work from a certain location. You can work from anywhere, giving you a great work-life balance.
  • In-demand skills for enterprises: With Java being the most popular programming language, many organizations use it in their software projects. Additionally, Java's strong security features make it indispensable for organizations handling sensitive data and safeguarding against cyber threats and compliance breaches, further making Java skills crucial and in-demand for enterprises.
  • Open-source community: Java has an open-source community. You can contribute to these collaborative projects with your skills, building a strong professional network and enhancing your knowledge.
  • Global job market: Since most roles that require these skills are remote, you can work with any company in the world. You can broaden your career experiences and make contributions beyond your country. 

Examples of Java Skills in the Workplace

The Java programming language is versatile and is widely used to create software solutions for web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise-level systems. This means that Java skills can be applied in diverse ways in the workplace.

Here are some practical examples of how you can apply Java skills in the workplace:

Android App Development

Java is the primary programming language used for building Android apps. Developers use Java to create user-friendly mobile apps that run smoothly on Android devices, from productivity tools to games and social networking apps.

Enterprise Software Development

Large companies use Java to create robust, scalable, and cross-platform applications for running businesses. They create software systems for everyday tasks such as managing operations, collecting customer data, and improving efficiency.

Game Development

Developers use Java to design and code games ranging from simple puzzle games and Android games to immersive 3D adventures.


Financial Applications

Software developers use this programming language to create different platforms for the financial industry, including banking apps, software, and trading platforms. Java is also used to develop secure and reliable financial software for transactions and data analysis.

E-commerce Solutions

Java is used to build e-commerce websites and platforms. Java developers create online shopping experiences, manage inventory, process payments, and enhance user security for e-commerce businesses.


Cloud-Based Applications

Software engineers use Java to develop cloud applications, enabling businesses to scale their services, store data securely, and deliver content efficiently over the internet.


How Can I Use Java Skills?

You can pursue different career paths and projects with Java skills. For instance, you can become a Java developer and create web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise software solutions for various industries. You can also work on data analysis and cloud computing, all of which rely on Java as a foundational programming language.

  • Website development: Web developers can create web applications, design user interfaces, and manage databases to make websites functional and engaging.
  • Mobile applications creation: Application developers can use Java skills to create mobile apps for smartphones and tablets and help businesses reach wide audiences with their products and services.
  • Game development: Video game designers can design video games for mobile and desktop platforms. They can work on game mechanics, graphics, and user interfaces to create entertaining experiences.
  • Enterprise software creation: Many large organizations use Java for their internal software systems. Software engineers can use their skills to develop applications that businesses can use to manage inventory, keep employee records, and manage customer relationships.
  • Cloud Computing: Cloud architects can design and manage software that uses the cloud to store data, process information, and deliver services over the Internet.

How Can I Learn Java Skills?

WGU's College of IT offers degree programs that give you an in-depth understanding of Java skills. A B.S. in Software Engineering, a B.S. in Computer Science, or a B.S. in Software Engineering C# can help you learn Java skills in a structured and practical environment. 

With over 80 degree options to choose from, you're certain to find a program tailored to your passion for data analysis, web development, database administration, or one of many other IT-related careers.

With our IT-related degree programs, you’ll learn to:

  • Call methods using Java.
  • Create an object-oriented program using Java.
  • Create methods using Java.
  • Debug scripts written in JavaScript.
  • Describe the basic syntax, data structures, and operators of JavaScript.
  • Write modular scripts by using JavaScript.

Frequently Asked Questions

Java is a computer programming language. It is important to learn because software applications such as apps, websites, and computer programs are built using Java. 

By learning this language, you can create and work on diverse computer programs, making you valuable in software development.

You can learn Java programming by pursuing a degree program in computer science through WGU’s College of IT. You can also read books or take online courses designed for beginners or introductory Java tutorials. 

Java is used in many real-world projects, including building websites and web applications, creating mobile apps for Android devices, and developing computer games and software for businesses to manage their operations.  

Java is a versatile language with a wide range of applications in the real world, making it a valuable skill for software development.

Yes, Java can indeed be used for game development. While Java is not as commonly associated with game development as languages like C++ or C#, it offers several advantages. Java offers an independent platform and a strong ecosystem of libraries and tools. 

Java is also known for its "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA) capability, which means that code written in Java can be run on various platforms without modification, making it a versatile choice for cross-platform game development. Additionally, Java provides good support for object-oriented programming, which can be beneficial for structuring complex game systems.

Several game engines and libraries are available for Java game development such LibGDX and  jMonkeyEngine which offer a variety of tools for 2D and 3D games for desktop and mobile platforms.

Java can be used to build web applications through a combination of various technologies and frameworks. Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) platform provides a robust and scalable infrastructure for building web applications.

With features such as servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java EE enables developers to create dynamic web content. Servlets handle HTTP requests and responses, while JSP allows developers to embed Java code within HTML pages, making it easier to generate dynamic web content.

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