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Developing Your Operating Systems Skills

Operating Systems Skills

Electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers have become essential aspects of day-to-day life. 

At the heart of all of these devices is an operating system, which receives instructions and enables the device to complete tasks effectively. With businesses continually embracing new technologies, having operating systems skills such as troubleshooting and technical support can give you an edge in the tech sector.

This guide covers different aspects of operating systems skills, including why you need them and how you can acquire and use them in the workplace.

What Are Operating Systems Skills?

Operating systems skills are the competencies required to comprehend, oversee, and interact with the operating systems in electronic devices. These proficiencies include expertise in installing, configuring, and resolving issues associated with different operating systems such as Windows, macOS, or Linux. 

With operating systems skills, you can efficiently secure the management and functionality of systems, ensuring that the hardware and software components run smoothly. 

Why Are Operating Systems Skills Important?

Businesses rely on operating systems to optimize hardware usage and streamline software deployment. They can manage networks, maintain servers, and allocate resources effectively for optimal productivity.

Here are reasons why operating systems skills are vital:

  • Management and control of computer systems: A proficiency in operating systems is essential for managing and supervising computer systems. You can set up, customize, and maintain operating systems, ensuring the smooth operation of computers and networks.
  • Implementing security measures: You can help safeguard data and systems against unauthorized access and potential dangers. This may include implementing security measures like user authentication, encryption, and access control, to safeguard your company's data.
  • Resolve system issues: You’ll be able to effectively identify and resolve system problems that might occur, including software conflicts, driver errors, and performance limitations, providing an uninterrupted operation of your business.
  • Virtualization and cloud computing: You can manage storage, oversee networking, and protect data and resources within a virtualized environment. Put simply, you harness the capabilities and benefits of virtualized and cloud technologies while ensuring stability, security, and performance.
  • System upgrades and maintenance: You become equipped to manage system upgrades effectively, apply patches, and perform routine maintenance tasks. This keeps the system's performance at its peak and ensures that any vulnerabilities or bugs are promptly addressed.
  • Network connectivity: Operating systems are vital in enabling and facilitating communication. You can effectively configure network settings and oversee data transmission.

What Are the Benefits of Having Operating Systems Skills?

A proficiency in operating systems skills can significantly improve your career opportunities and overall effectiveness in the IT field. These skills empower you to handle computer systems, address problems, and establish measures to safeguard data, positioning you as an invaluable resource for any company. 

Here are the benefits of developing operating systems skills:

  • Become a system administrator: Competence in operating systems can lead to a range of high-paying career possibilities. For example, a system administrator earns an average annual salary of $81,046. They maintain an organization’s IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, and software applications.
  • Continuous learning: You’ll be able to effectively adapt to new technologies and stay updated with industry trends. 
  • IT project management: In a role that involves managing IT projects, you’ll be equipped to effectively oversee the implementation of software and hardware solutions and ensure proper execution for business success.
  • Consulting and training: You can offer consulting services to businesses seeking guidance on their technology infrastructure. You can also train individuals and organizations to utilize operating systems.

Examples of Operating Systems Skills in the Workplace

Expertise in operating systems ensures the functioning of all technological aspects. These skills play a role in managing computer usage and safeguarding data. 

Let’s explore some real-life scenarios to understand how you can practice operating systems skills in the workplace:

System Administration

System administrators are able to handle user accounts, configure network settings, and resolve system-related problems.

Home Network Setup

Individuals can create and configure home networks for connectivity between devices.  

Security Management

To implement security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software, individuals must first have a basic understanding of operating systems. 

Data Backup and Recovery

System administrators can backup and recover data to prevent any loss during system failures. They can select the right backup strategy, manage storage, ensure data integrity, and set up data recovery environments. 

Technical Support

Technical support and system administrators can assist users and organizations in dealing with software and hardware problems. 


Data Center Management

A data center manager oversees the efficient operation of data centers, managing hardware, security, and compliance. They also help their teams monitor performance and implement disaster recovery measures to ensure uninterrupted business operations. 

Automation and DevOps

DevOps engineers manage and deploy applications in various environments. They create efficient, automated, and reliable processes, bridging the gap between development and operations.

How Can I Use Operating Systems Skills?

The world today has experienced an exponential adoption of computer systems and mobile apps. Almost any task can be carried out through a system or app. As a result, operating systems skills have become increasingly important.

Here are different ways you can apply your operating systems skills:

  • Systems administration and maintenance: As a system administrator, you can set up, maintain, and resolve issues related to an organization's computer systems. With your understanding of operating systems, you can configure networks, manage user accounts, and maintain system security.
  • Designing and maintaining computer networks: As a network engineer, you can create, deploy, and oversee an organization's network infrastructure. You can also assist in setting up network elements, configuring routers and switches, and ensuring efficient communication among devices.
  • Designing and maintaining software: Your knowledge is highly beneficial for  software engineering roles. You can manage memory, handle file systems, and develop compatible software applications. 
  • Managing electronic health records: As a healthcare information technician, you can ensure that electronic health records (EHR) systems are up and running, secure, and compliant with all regulations.
  • Managing health information system: As a health informaticist, you can manage and analyze healthcare data, set up a database, ensure data security, and optimize data retrieval procedures. 

How Can I Learn Operating Systems Skills?

One effective method for acquiring operating systems skills is enrolling in a course. At WGU’s College of IT, offer courses that equip you with the ability to operate and run these skills.

With our IT-related degree programs, you’ll be able to:

  • Compare the strengths and weaknesses of different operating systems.
  • Configure computer hardware and operating system software.
  • Configure operating systems from the command line utility.
  • Describe the architecture and components of different operating systems.
  • Execute a preinstalled operating system with the default settings.
  • Identify the basic components of computer operating systems.
  • Install third-party applications that manage and maintain the core functionality of an operating system.
  • Modify system settings to improve the performance and reliability of an operating system.
  • Navigate operating system features.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are different operating systems that companies use based on their needs and functionality. They include:

  • Single-user, multi-tasking operating systems: These systems allow a single user to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Many modern operating systems, like Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions, belong to this category.
  • Multi-user operating systems: These systems are designed to support users by providing each user with individual accounts and privileges. Examples include Unix and Linux. 
  • Mobile operating systems: These are specifically developed for devices like smartphones and tablets. Examples of operating systems include Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile.
  • Server operating systems: These operating systems are intended to run on servers and provide computer services across networks. Examples in this category include Windows Server, Linux, macOS Server, etc.

Operating systems impact the performance of computers through managing resources like memory and CPU usage ensuring that programs run seamlessly. When an operating system is well optimized, it can result in processing speeds while a poorly managed one can cause sluggishness and delays.

To become proficient in operating systems, you need to master skills such as computer architecture, programming languages such as C/C++, and core operating system concepts such as memory management. You should also have great problem-solving skills to be able to diagnose complex issues.

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