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Developing Your Training and Development Skills

Training and Development Skills

Increasingly, organizations are placing an emphasis on employee training and development. This shift in mindset has made training and development skills highly valuable in the job market. 

Well-trained employees are more productive and efficient in their roles, leading to increased quality of work, customer satisfaction, and improved performance. Training and development skills will allow you to deliver effective training programs and mentor others.

This guide explores how you can gain training and development skills and apply them in the workplace. 

What Are Training and Development Skills?

Training and development skills refers to the ability to design and deliver effective training programs and professional development initiatives within an organization. 

These skills involve competencies related to the training of employees, instructional design, training needs assessment, evaluation, and program management.

Strong training and development skills ensure the smooth execution and successful implementation of training programs, which in turn leads to the growth of employees and contributes to your organization's success.

Why Are Training and Development Skills Important?

Training and development skills are vital in the workplace and contribute to productivity, enhanced customer service, and innovation. Here are reasons why these skills are important: 

  • Employee well-being and satisfaction: When investing in training and development, you're demonstrating a commitment to your employees' growth and career progression by contributing to their well-being and job satisfaction. 
  • Employee engagement and retention: Training and development skills allow you to enhance employee engagement by fostering a continuous learning culture. When employees receive growth and development opportunities within an organization, they are more inclined to stay.
  • Organizational growth and success: Training and development skills help you equip employees with the knowledge to perform their jobs more effectively, leading to improved customer satisfaction, innovation, and competitiveness. This ultimately leads to improved organizational performance.
  • Talent development: Training and development skills facilitate the growth and development of employees, enabling them to reach their full potential. When you provide targeted training programs, you nurture their talents, helping them acquire new skills and advance in their careers. By constantly developing employees’ talent, you create a pipeline of skilled individuals ready to take on leadership roles and contribute to the organization's long-term success.
  • Technology integration: Organizations frequently adopt new systems or software, and employees need the skills to utilize these technologies effectively. You can implement training programs to bridge the gap between existing knowledge and emerging technologies, enabling employees to embrace technological advancements for improved productivity.

What Are the Benefits of Having Training and Development Skills?

As an individual, having strong training and development skills can bring several benefits to your career path. Here are some of the opportunities these skills can offer you:

  • Increased employability in various industries: Organizations require employees who can design and deliver effective training programs. With these skills, you become a valuable asset in sectors such as corporate training, education, healthcare, technology, and more. 
  • Assume higher-level responsibilities: Developing expertise in training and development can position you for higher-level roles that require strategic planning, program management, and mentoring others. You can take up positions such as training manager, learning and development director, or talent development specialist. 
  • Personal and professional growth: Enhancing your training and development skills allows you to expand your knowledge, refine your instructional techniques, and stay updated with the latest trends in learning and development.
  • Freelance or consulting work opportunities: Strong training and development skills create opportunities for freelance or consulting work. You can offer your services as a freelance trainer, instructional designer, or learning consultant. This will enable you to work on diverse projects with different clients and enjoy the freedom of self-employment.
  • Contribution to organizational success: Your ability to design and deliver effective training programs can positively impact your organization's bottom line, making you an indispensable team member. This leads to prestige and career fulfillment.

Examples of Training and Development Skills in the Workplace

The following are specific examples of how training and development skills are utilized in the workplace:

Designing and Delivering Training Programs

Strong instructional design skills will enable you to create effective training programs. You will design the curriculum, develop learning materials, and structure content logically. You can incorporate various instructional methods to cater to different learning styles.

Performance Evaluation and Feedback

With your expertise in performance evaluation, you’ll develop evaluation frameworks, design assessment tools, and provide constructive feedback to employees based on performance metrics. 

Onboarding and Orientation Programs

Solid training and development skills will help you develop comprehensive training plans to familiarize new hires with the organization's culture, policies, procedures, and job-specific skills. These programs aim to facilitate a smooth transition for employees and accelerate their integration into the organization.

Soft Skills Training

You’ll utilize your training and development skills to conduct soft skills training to enhance interpersonal and communication skills, leadership abilities, teamwork, and problem-solving capabilities. You’ll be involved in designing workshops and activities that focus on effective communication, emotional intelligence, time management, and conflict resolution. These skills are essential for maintaining a positive work environment.

Technology and Systems Training

With the rapid advancement of technology, you’ll design and deliver training programs that cover topics such as software applications, data management, cybersecurity, and digital tools. These programs help employees adapt to technological changes and leverage technology to enhance productivity.


Ethics Training

Ethics training promotes a culture of integrity and ensures legal compliance within the organization. You will utilize training and development skills to ensure employees understand and comply with industry regulations, organizational policies, and ethical guidelines. You will develop training programs covering data privacy, anti-discrimination, workplace safety, and code of conduct.


Leadership Development Programs

You will deliver programs aimed at nurturing leadership skills, for example, programs focusing on developing decision-making, communication, and team management.


How Can I Use Training and Development Skills?

Training and development skills are essential for running successful training initiatives across various sectors. In the education field you will learn to:

  • Enhance teaching methods: You can utilize training and development to equip teachers with innovative teaching techniques and strategies. For example, as a training and development specialist, you can oversee workshops and programs focused on student engagement, technology integration, and personalized learning to enable educators to deliver more impactful lessons.
  • Coordinate professional development for educators: As a leader in the education field, you can coordinate training and development programs for teachers, helping them stay updated with the latest educational technologies, research, and pedagogical approaches.
  • Develop students’ skills: You can incorporate skill-based training programs into the curriculum. This will help cultivate essential skills in students such as critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication, better preparing them for future academic and professional challenges.

In health professions you’ll be able to utilize these skills in the following ways:

  • Continuous medical education: You can stay up to date with the latest advancements, research, and best practices in your field. You’ll embrace lifelong learning to acquire knowledge to provide high-quality patient care.
  • Specialized training programs: Training and development skills can help you design specialized programs for specific healthcare roles and specialties. For example, programs can focus on patient safety, medical technology, patient communication, and clinical procedures, ensuring you are well-equipped to handle your responsibilities effectively as a healthcare professional.
  • Leadership and management development: You can be groomed to take on leadership roles in the healthcare sector. For example, you can pursue a career as a health services manager, where you’ll need training and development skills to oversee professional development initiatives to ensure efficient healthcare administration.

In business settings you’ll be able to use these skills to perform your roles in the following ways:

  • Employee onboarding and orientation: Training and development are crucial for integrating new employees into a business establishment. For example, as an executive recruiter, you can design on-boarding programs, assess candidates' qualifications, and identify executive training and development opportunities.
  • Skill enhancement and upskilling: Training and development programs enable organizations to enhance the skills of their workforce. For instance, as a human resource director, you can oversee technical training, leadership development, or soft skills workshops to help improve performance, boost productivity, and increase employee retention.
  • Change management and adaptation: In the business world, you can use training and development skills to facilitate organizational change and adaptation, for example, helping employees embrace new technologies, systems, or processes.

How Can I Learn Training and Development Skills?

WGU is an online university with more than 300,000 graduates. We are dedicated to making higher education as accessible to as many people as possible. Our curriculum focuses on today’s workforce, with WGU grads offering a 99% employer satisfaction rate.

WGU’s School of Education offers various degree programs with coursework on training and development skills, including the M.S. in Learning Experience Design and Educational Technology.

You will learn to analyze training solutions to fill the learning gaps of the target audience. 

This will help you understand how to create smart, easy, meaningful and enjoyable training programs that are suitable for achieving long-term results.

Frequently Asked Questions

To excel in training and development roles, you must possess these skills:

  • Communication and presentation 
  • Instructional design
  • Adult learning principles

You must also be able to assess training needs and evaluate training effectiveness. Obtaining a degree in education, instructional design, organizational development, or human resource management can provide a solid foundation for a career in training and development.

If you're already working in a different role, follow these tips to enhance your training and development skills:

  • Offer to assist the training department. 
  • Attend workshops related to instructional design, training delivery, or adult learning theory. 
  • Look for online courses or certification programs that specialize in training and development.
  • Seek opportunities within your organization to design and deliver training programs. 

To demonstrate your training and development skills to potential employers, create a portfolio showcasing training programs you have designed or delivered. 

You can also include relevant training and development experience on your résumé, highlighting specific accomplishments. If you have certifications, attach them to validate your expertise in the field.

As mentioned, you can utilize training and development skills in various career roles, for example, training manager, training and development specialist, corporate trainer, instructional designer, talent development manager, and e-learning developer. 

You may also specialize in areas such as leadership development, technical training, compliance training, or sales training. 

Find Your Degree

There are countless degree options to choose from, and trying to explore each will waste your time and energy. Instead, consider taking our degree quiz. It only takes a few minutes and will help you narrow down the perfect program that aligns with your interests, skills, and career goals. 

Take the degree quiz today and let us assist you in finding the ideal degree program that sets you on the path to success.