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Developing Your Written Communication Skills

Written Communication Skills

Effective written communication skills are essential for successfully conveying your thoughts and ideas with clarity and persuasiveness. Whether you are aiming to impress clients, collaborate seamlessly with colleagues, or advance your career to new heights, mastering the art of written communication is paramount. 

Not only can strong written communication skills enhance your professional image and reputation, but they also unlock exciting networking opportunities that can propel your success even further.

This guide explores the importance of written communication skills, the benefits they offer, examples of their application in various workplace scenarios, and how you can acquire and improve these skills.

What Are Written Communication Skills?

Written communication skills refer to the ability to express ideas, thoughts, and information concisely and effectively through various forms of professional writing. These skills involve using proper grammar, punctuation, and formatting to convey messages accurately. 

Effective written communication skills enable you to articulate your thoughts in a structured and organized manner, ensuring that the intended meaning is communicated to the audience.

Why Are Written Communication Skills Important?

Written communication skills are the foundation for productive workplace interactions, allowing you to arrange information effectively, communicate your ideas clearly, and persuade audiences.

Here are the reasons why it is important to develop your written communication skills:

  • Showcasing the ability to communicate in a clear, organized, and coherent manner: Effective written communication allows you to express your ideas and thoughts comprehensively, enabling others to understand and engage with your message.
  • Facilitating seamless information sharing: By delivering well-written documents, emails, and reports, you ensure that information is conveyed accurately and efficiently, reducing the risk of misinterpretation or confusion among your team members.
  • Documentation and accountability: Your proficiency in written communication enables you to record important discussions, agreements, and decisions, giving you a basis for future reference and accountability.
  • Persuasion and influence: Strong communicators use their writing skills to effectively present compelling arguments, persuade others, and influence decisions.
  • Customer relations: Clear and professional written communication is crucial if you want to build positive relationships with your customers, guaranteeing their needs are understood and addressed promptly.

What Are the Benefits of Having Written Communication Skills?

Developing strong writing and communication skills not only lets you communicate in a more clear and organized way, but also enhances your overall competence, showcasing your professionalism. These skills will expose you to numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced professional image and reputation: Good writing reflects positively on your professionalism, attention to detail, and overall competence.
  • Effective collaboration on small projects: In remote work environments, clear written communication is essential to maintain collaboration and ensure your colleagues are on the same page.
  • Enhanced networking: Well-crafted written communication can make a lasting impression between your colleagues and clients, leading to valuable networking opportunities.
  • Improved presentations: Persuasive and engaging presentations that convey key messages to an audience would not exist without careful writing.
  • Thought leadership opportunities: Strong writing skills will open doors to thought leadership opportunities; you can contribute to industry publications or publish insightful articles, establishing yourself as an authority in the field.

Examples of Written Communication Skills in the Workplace

You can utilize written communication skills in various ways to facilitate effective and efficient communication in the workplace. Here are examples of how you can practically apply your skills: 

Emails and Correspondence

Writing professional emails, including clear subject lines, concise messages, and appropriate tone will ensure effective communication within your workplace.

Reports and Documentation

Creating well-structured reports and documents will enable you to accurately disseminate information that serves as a reference for decision-making.

Presentations and Slide Decks

Written communication includes creating visually appealing and informative presentations to help engage audiences and effectively convey complex information.

Marketing and Advertising Materials

Well-written marketing materials such as brochures, websites, and advertisements will have a significant impact on attracting and persuading customers.

Internal Communications

Writing internal memos, announcements, and team updates will ensure consistent and efficient information sharing.


Customer Support and Service

Effective written communication skills enable customer service representatives to provide clear instructions, explanations, and solutions to customer inquiries.


Social Media and Online Content

Your written communication skills can extend to social media platforms and content creation. Crafting engaging and impactful posts, articles, or blog entries can help you connect with your audience and build a strong online presence.

Legal Documentation

Legal professionals rely on precise and well-written documents such as contracts, agreements, and legal briefs to ensure accurate representation and protect the interests of their clients.

How Can I Use Written Communication Skills?

When utilizing your written communication skills, the possibilities are endless. You can apply these skills across various industries and professions, empowering you to effectively convey your thoughts, ideas, and information in a well-written format.

Developing your written communication skills will enable you, as a healthcare professional, to use your skills in the following fields:

  • In business and management roles: You can prepare business plans, write reports, and craft professional correspondence.
  • In healthcare professions: You can maintain accurate patient records, write medical reports, and effectively communicate with colleagues.
  • Crafting effective reports and presentations: Healthcare professionals can compile and present reports on patient outcomes, research findings, or project proposals. Your written communication skills will enable you to organize information coherently, present complex data in a clear and concise manner, and effectively convey your ideas to different stakeholders.
  • Patient education and health promotion materials: In roles such as patient advocate , health information manager, clinical informatics manager, etc., you can help create informative and engaging materials such as brochures, pamphlets, or online content that effectively conveys important health information in a language and format accessible to diverse audiences.

How Can I Learn Written Communication Skills?

You can learn written communication skills by enrolling for a Post-Master's Certificate in Nursing—Nursing Education program at WGU’s Leavitt School of Health.

These programs provide comprehensive training and resources to enhance your proficiency in written communication. In this program, you'll learn how to:

  • Write to communicate the analysis and quality of research to an audience.
  • Write in an accurate, clear, concise, and well-organized manner.
  • Make sense of written information and ideas.
  • Convey ideas using written communication techniques.
  • Communicate information and ideas effectively in writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Consider reading grammar guides and style manuals to familiarize yourself with the rules to improve your grammar and punctuation. Practice writing regularly and seek feedback from others to identify areas for improvement. 

Additionally, online resources and grammar-checking tools can be valuable in identifying and correcting errors in your writing.

To write clear and concise emails, identify your main message or purpose. Use short sentences and paragraphs to convey your points effectively.

Ensure that your subject line accurately reflects the content of the email. Use professional language, proofread for errors, and be mindful of the tone and formality appropriate for the recipient and the context of the communication.

Adapting your writing style for different audiences and purposes requires understanding your target audience's preferences, needs, and level of familiarity with the subject matter. 

Tailor your tone, vocabulary, and level of detail accordingly. Consider the purpose of your communication, whether informational, persuasive, or instructional, and adjust your writing style to align with the intended outcome.

To adapt your writing style from academic to professional writing, focus on clarity, brevity, and a more concise presentation of ideas.

Avoid using complex language that may be specific to academia. Prioritize using plain language and consider the practical implications and relevance of your writing for the workplace.

To stand out as a recent graduate in the job market, focus on continuously improving your written communication skills. 

Seek opportunities to practice writing in different formats, such as reports, proposals, and presentations. Take advantage of online writing courses, workshops, or resources that can enhance your skills. WGU offers online degree programs that can enhance your written communication skills. Take our degree quiz to find out which degree suits you.

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