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Find Answers to All Your Alumni Questions

Do You Have More Questions?

If your question isn't answered below, we have a team who can help!

Simply call or email a member of the WGU Alumni Relations team. Cick on FAQ links below to learn more or contact us.

Alumni Community FAQs

As a WGU graduate you are automatically a part of the WGU Alumni Community. There's no need to register or create a login. This website provides you with everything you need to know as a WGU grad. Here you will find:

  • Alumni-exclusive perks
  • Continuing education learning resources
  • Ways to network, stay involved, and share your story
  • Alumni news and events
  • Every detail for WGU Commencement Weekend

Update your alumni information to stay up-to-date on the latest alumni resources and commencement information. 

First - Congrats!
Second - Find more information about registration, date/time, and day-of details on the WGU Commencement page.
You can also call the WGU Alumni Relations team and ask for Commencement Weekend information. Call 385-428-2085 option 1.

Please take two minutes and update your WGU alumni file to make sure we have your up-to-date contact and employment information. 

We use this information to brag about how successful grads like you are in their careers, which in turn, improves the reputation of WGU and ultimately the value of your degree. Plus, when we have your correct contact information, we can be sure you're receiving announcements about the latest and greatest alumni-exclusive perks!

Click here to update your information

Click here to visit the Shop WGU Merchandise page.

Unlike your student experience, there is not an "alumni portal." You will find everything you need on this WGU Alumni website, in the WGU Knowledge Center/Student Handbook, or in your old Student Portal. The Student Portal will change a bit after graduation, but you'll still have access to important documentation in it.

Be sure to keep your student login credentials to access this information!

Please read the Communication FAQs below.

General Alumni FAQs

WGU has recently made Course Descriptions and Course of Studies available for download. Please visit this website to download course information.

WGU publishes an institutional catalog with information about our university, including program and course information. Please visit this website to download the catalog.

If there is a course description that you cannot find on the site, please email

Most school districts no longer require university placement files and have an online application process in place that allows applicants to upload their own files. However, WGU offers placement file services to students and graduates from the School of Education if a school district specifically requests a placement file be sent directly from the applicant’s university. For more information on this service, please contact the WGU Records Department at

Find more details in the WGU Student Handbook. Click here.

Officially, you should read this. For your curiosity, we share a list of secondary universities who we know have accepted WGU grads.

Note: WGU graduates have self-reported being accepted to this list of universities for their continued education. Share yours if it's not represented!

We think that reading an explanation on competency-based learning and the grading system might help. Download an official Grading Explanation Letter here. 

That’s great! Returning grads enjoy VIP benefits: elite applicant status, exclusive scholarship opportunities, and much more.

Click here to learn more about the process and schedule an appointment to talk with an enrollment counselor.

Old Student Information FAQs

Graduates will not have access to the coursework after they have completed a program. Please contact for a review of individual situations where there is an urgent need for access to prior student work at WGU. For additional information, please read this article found in the WGU Student Handbook. Click here.

Graduates who created their e-portfolio with Microsoft OneNote will have ongoing cloud-based access to their portfolio after graduation. For additional information and steps to access your Microsoft OneNote e-portfolio, please read this article found in the WGU Student Handbook. Click here.

The email account that was provided to you as a WGU student is yours to keep and does not expire. If you cannot access it, please contact the IT Service Desk by calling 1-877-435-7948.

Please contact WGU's Service Desk by calling 1-877-435-7948.

Please contact WGU's Records Department by emailing or calling 1-877-435-7948 Ext. 3119. Per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), graduates must verify personal identity information before we can release their Student ID number.

Be ready to provide your name, mailing address, phone number, the program you graduated in, and your graduation year.

Your 1098-T form, if available, is found in your student portal on or before January 31st of the following year. You can access the form by following the steps below:

  • Log into
  • Select the Student Support tab from the top
  • Select the Financial Services tab form the left
  • Locate the Financial Toolbox on the lower right-hand side of the page
  • Select the link labeled Obtain Tax Forms (1098-T)
  • A new page will open, 1098-T forms are located at the bottom of the column on the right.

You may also contact the WGU Bursar Office at 1-877-435-7948 extension 3105 if you have any questions.

For help in accessing your Student Portal, use WGU IT Service Desk at 1-877-435-7948.

Transcripts FAQs

Please visit WGU's Official Transcript Request page here. Use your WGU credentials to login. This page covers details on how to order, order fulfillment, checking order status, and much more. 

The Academic Transcript is a comprehensive statement of attempted and verified learning designed to illustrate and communicate how the student has met program competencies and corresponding learning outcomes. The transcript reflects the student’s permanent academic record, comprised of all courses set into registration, competency units received, certifications/credentials earned, honors/awards received, and degrees conferred. The Academic Transcript is typically required by and for other institutions of higher education.

Please visit WGU's Official Transcript Request page here. Use your WGU credentials to login. This page covers details on how to order, order fulfillment, checking order status, and much more.

The Record of Achievement Transcript is a comprehensive statement of verified learning designed to illustrate and communicate how the student has met program competencies and corresponding learning outcomes. The Record of Achievement transcript is comprised of all completed coursework, certifications/credentials earned, honors/awards received, and degrees conferred. The Record of Achievement transcript may be used for employers, licensing bodies, and other interested parties.

You can access and download your unofficial WGU transcript from within the WGU Student Portal. Once logged in, proceed to the “Student Support” tab. There you will be able to "Download an Unofficial Transcript." Find more transcript information here. Use your WGU credentials to login. 

The Academic Transcript is a comprehensive statement of attempted and verified learning designed to illustrate and communicate how the student has met program competencies and corresponding learning outcomes. The transcript reflects the student’s permanent academic record, comprised of all courses set into registration, competency units received, certifications/credentials earned, honors/awards received, and degrees conferred. The Academic Transcript is typically required by and for other institutions of higher education.

You can access and download your unofficial WGU transcript from within the WGU Student Portal. Once logged in, proceed to the “Student Support” tab. There you will be able to "Download an Unofficial Transcript." Find more transcript information here. Use your WGU credentials to login. 

The Record of Achievement Transcript is a comprehensive statement of verified learning designed to illustrate and communicate how the student has met program competencies and corresponding learning outcomes. The Record of Achievement transcript is comprised of all completed coursework, certifications/credentials earned, honors/awards received, and degrees conferred. The Record of Achievement transcript may be used for employers, licensing bodies, and other interested parties.

Copies of your WGU transcripts may be ordered using the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Students can order transcripts from the National Student Clearinghouse by visiting the Transcript Ordering Center and searching for Western Governors University. Click here.

We also encourage you to read these details on how to track your order.

Students enrolled in a WGU credential or degree program who need their enrollment verified for insurance or other non financial aid purposes may request an enrollment verification via the National Student Clearinghouse as a Proof of Enrollment certificate. 

Follow these steps to download your Proof-of-Enrollment certificate:

  • Login to your student portal
  • Click the "Student Support" tab
  • Click the "Student Services" option on the drop-down
  • The "Student Services – Records" page will appear
  • Click "Request a Proof-of-Enrollment Letter"
  • The "Student Self-Service Site" will appear
  • Click "Obtain an enrollment certificate"
  • Your Proof-of-Enrollment certificate will appear as a secured PDF document. You can download this document, then print or email the document.

Learning Resources FAQs

WGU must address this issue. Contact WGU's Service Desk for assistance.

Alumni do not have access to Udemy after graduation.

The WGU library is available only to current active WGU students, employees, and faculty. WGU graduates have continued access to many resources in the Alumni Library.

Please note that not all learning resources utilized during the program will be accessible post-graduation. To access a list of alumni resources, please visit the Learning Resources section on this site.


Communications FAQs

WGU alumni maintain access to their WGU email accounts even after graduating. To access your email account, login to your WGU Student Portal, and click on the “Mail” icon. If you are unable to login to the WGU Student Portal, you can reset your password by going to and clicking on the "Reset Password" link. For additional help in accessing the WGU Student Portal, please contact the WGU IT Service Desk at 877.435.7948.

* Note: As of May 23, 2022, WGU is currently migrating all email accounts to a new email platform. Graduates will still have access to this email account platform. 

WGU Alumni Relations sends all email communication to the graduating students’/graduates’ personal email addresses. This includes communication about WGU Commencement Weekends. Note: Ensure you are subscribed to receive WGU Commencement emails by updating your alumni communication preferences.  
A personal email address is what a graduate or graduating student lists as the primary email address on the graduation application and/or when updating their graduate information. The graduate may list a personal email address or a WGU email address as the primary email address. A primary email is determined by the graduate. The email address entered by the graduate will be referred to the “personal” email address. 

If you would like to update the email address listed on your grad profile, please click here

Please take two minutes and update your WGU alumni file to make sure we have your up-to-date contact and employment information. 

We use this information to brag about how successful grads like you are in their careers, which in turn, improves the reputation of WGU and ultimately the value of your degree. Plus, when we have your correct contact information, we can be sure you're receiving announcements about the latest and greatest alumni-exclusive perks!

Click here to update your information

Please ensure that you have not opted out of receiving email communication from the WGU Commencement team. If you have unsubscribed from receiving all emails as a WGU graduate, you have also unsubscribed from receiving commencement emails. Please update your alumni communication preferences here.

Ceremony Participation and RSVP FAQs

There is not a time limit on when a graduate may walk in a commencement. Graduates may only participate in one commencement ceremony per degree program completed.

Generally, the commencement ceremony lasts 2 hours.

Yes, it is possible for a commencement ceremony to reach capacity. We suggest that you submit an RSVP to your desired ceremony as soon as you are eligible.  

Please review the commencement participation guidelines located in the student handbook, which outlines student eligibility to attend commencement. If you have additional questions, you can contact the Commencement Office at

Graduates who wish to participate in an in-person or virtual commencement ceremony must meet eligibility requirements and register for their desired event. 

Eligibility Guidelines   

  1. Students must have submitted their Graduation Application for the completion of their degree program OR
  2. Students must have only their final course remaining, such as capstone or final certification, with the exception of direct hours for field experience or demonstration teaching. 
    • Students who meet the above final course requirements may submit an email to with "Final Course" in the subject line along with desired commencement ceremony.
  3. Once eligibility has been confirmed the student or graduate MUST submit an RSVP via the commencement website.   

If you don’t currently meet either of these requirements, wait to RSVP until one of the requirements is met.

No, the graduation application process is separate from submitting a RSVP to a Commencement Weekend. If the Commencement Office has granted a final course exemption and you have RSVP’d to your desired ceremony you do not have to have your graduation application submitted to walk at Commencement.

Yes. The ceremony RSVP form is a separate process from the graduation application. The completion of the ceremony RSVP form reserves your seat at commencement and generates your information on a Grad Pass for the announcer.

After a graduate submits the ceremony RSVP form, a confirmation email is automatically sent to the email address listed on the completed RSVP form. Please check your junk inbox. If you do not see a confirmation email for your ceremony RSVP, please contact us at with additional questions.

No. Once registration has closed, no late additions, including day- of (walk-up) will be permitted.

No. As of January 2022, a graduate may participate in one ceremony per degree, either a virtual or in-person ceremony.

A Grad Pass is a digital QR code issued to each graduate registered for an in-person ceremony the week of commencement. It contains the information that will be displayed on the screen as your name is read and you cross the stage. To access their Grad Pass at the ceremony, graduates will need their phone with them at graduate check-in and as they cross the stage.

Your GradPass will be emailed to you on Monday and Wednesday the week of the Commencement Weekend. If you do not receive it, please contact the Commencement Office at with the subject line, “GradPass Not Received”.

We will send commencement updates to the email address you entered on your RSVP form.

Regalia FAQs

WGU works with Balfour as our official regalia vendor (caps, gowns, tassels, hoods, stoles). Please visit the Balfour regalia website for ordering. 

Please note: As of 2025, WGU’s regalia colors have changed. All gowns will be navy blue with green tassels and navy and silver hoods.

For bachelor’s degree, post-baccalaureate teacher programs, or endorsement preparation program (English Language Learning), you should order a cap, bachelor's gown, and tassel. For those earning a master's degree or endorsement preparation program (Educational Leadership), you should order a cap, master's gown, tassel, and a master's hood.

The following master’s hoods are available for purchase from our regalia vendor.  

Education - Blue 
Business (all MBAs) - Drab 
Technology - Gold 
Nursing – Apricot 
Integrated Healthcare Management - Salmon 
Master of Health Leadership - Sage green

WGU works with Balfour as our official commencement goods vendor. Please visit the Balfour website for ordering. 

Prior to the conferral of degrees, bachelor's degree graduates wear their tassel on the right while master's degree graduates wear their tassel on the left for the entire commencement ceremony.

A graduate should wear academic attire appropriate to the awarded degree. The master's gown differs from a bachelor's gown. If you already have a cap and tassel, you can order a master's gown as an individual item on our commencement vendor’s website. Please note that the academic attire for a master's graduate includes a cap, tassel, master's gown, and hood.

Yes, WGU graduates affiliated with an honor society may wear society pins or honor cords/sashes/stoles to represent their academic achievements, affiliations, or identity on their gowns. 

Teacher graduates affiliated with the WGU chapter of the international honor society of Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) may order honor cords at

Graduates who are members of The National Society of Leadership and Sucess may wear honor cords indicating this affiliation.

WGU graduates who are veterans or active-duty military will be provided with a military honor cord. For virtual commencements, cords will be shipped to the address provided on their RSVP. For in-person commencements, cords will be picked up at the Alumni Celebration or at Commencement during graduate check-in. On your RSVP form, please mark that you are a veteran or active duty.

Graduates are permitted to decorate their graduation caps. Take into consideration the following if decorating your cap for commencement: 

WGU does not allow content on caps or sashes that is considered, in WGU’s sole discretion, obscene, vulgar, defamatory, hateful, inappropriate, profane or that might disregard another’s copyright or third-party rights. All decorations must lie flat on the cap.

WGU Philanthropy Cord FAQs

The WGU Philanthropy Cord is a blue and gold cord for graduates to wear with their cap and gown at Commencement. The Philanthropy Cord is not only a physical symbol of a graduate’s commitment to WGU, but also more importantly supports a philanthropic legacy that will last for future generations of WGU students.

Graduates can receive a Philanthropy Cord by making a gift of $25 or more to WGU’s Fellow Night Owl Scholarship, a fund established to help current WGU students facing financial hardship cross the finish line to graduation. To donate, graduates can text “WGUCord” to 41-444 or visit this link. 

All WGU Philanthropy Cord donations support WGU’s Fellow Night Owl Scholarship, a fund established to help current WGU students facing financial hardship cross the finish line to graduation. 

For in-person commencements, you may choose to have your Philanthropy Cord mailed to you or picked up at Commencement by visiting the WGU Advancement table at the Alumni Celebration or during graduate check-in the morning of Commencement. 

For virtual commencements, Philanthropy Cords will be mailed prior to the ceremony date.  

WGU Advancement is the official fundraising arm at WGU dedicated to attracting, allocating, and putting dollars to work so more students have access to an affordable, quality education. WGU Advancement’s operation is the next step in WGU’s ever-growing obsession with students’ success, and a way for the increasing number of WGU graduates, donors, and partners to pay it forward.

Thank you for your generous support! You can donate to the Fellow Night Owl Scholarship by texting “WGUGrad” to 41-444 or by visiting this link.

Letter of Invitation for Abroad & Commencement Announcements FAQs

Yes, students may send an email to with the family member's full name, relationship to the student, and foreign address. Once provided, the Records Department will prepare documents containing information about the commencement and student's earned degree. These prepared letters will then be sent to the student to forward them to the correct parties. It may take 5-10 business days for the letters to be mailed to the student.

 WGU works with an official announcements and commencement goods vendor. Ordering will open at the end of 2024 for all 2025 ceremonies.

Graduation Application and Diploma FAQs

Visit the graduation application page in the student handbook for the most current information on how to apply for graduation.

Visit the graduation application page in the student handbook for the most current information on how to receive your diploma.  

No, please leave your diploma at home. You will receive a complimentary diploma cover as a keepsake at commencement right before you cross the stage. 

We Are Here to Help

Can't find what you need? Get in touch with the WGU Alumni Engagement and WGU Commencement teams using the contact information below.

WGU Alumni Engagement

WGU Commencement

Need to contact another WGU department? Below are some teams we think you might be looking for.

You can also find other WGU contact information by clicking here. Use your WGU credentials to login.

Alumni Engagement Everything Alumni Association and benefits.
Assessment Services Information about past assessments.
Career Support Receive career advice and tools.
HP Success Center Certificate, clinical/practicum hours, CEU's, and more.
Commencement  Commencement RSVP, locations, and next steps.
Enrollment Considering another degree? Take the next step.
Graduation Graduation application and your diploma.
IT Service Desk Trouble accessing resources and other issues.
Alumni Library Check out the library. Contact a librarian.
Records & Transcripts Transcripts, enrollment verification, and more. 
Scholarships Continuing at WGU? Apply for scholarships.
Teacher Licensure Licensure questions and assistance. 
Capstone Awards Capstone Excellence Awards and more.
Alumni Events Alumni Celebrations, Night Owl Trot, and other events. 
Owls Nest  Stay involved, make referrals, earn rewards: