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Pay It Forward

Join an Alumni Chapter

Alumni Chapters are a great way to get involved with local alumni. WGU Alumni Chapters host location-specific activities, gather alumni together, and create opportunities for networking in various locations throughout the United States.

Check out the WGU Alumni Chapters page to determine which chapter is closest to you.

Support the Future of Student Success 

Your gift combined with the generosity of thousands of others IMPACTS the lives of our students in immeasurable ways. Your gift helps a student gets started on their educational journey or cross the finish line. Please support the future of student success at WGU!  Our students thank you. WGU thanks you. 

View the Advancement Donation page to make a secure, tax-deductible, one-time or recurring gift to the general scholarship fund.

Share Your Story

The Alumni Relations team collects stories that demonstrate the diversity and strength of the alumni community. We do our best to distribute stories that we think will make an impact. If you are in need of a graduate connection and story, please complete the form below. 

These stories are collected in a variety of ways. Many are self-submitted. We have started the vetting process. By completing this form you understand additional vetting and verification will be needed.

Submit a Testimonial

Hey alumni! Your achievements can inspire current students to push forward, reminding them that their dedication will soon pay returns. WGU alumni journeys and successes paint the most brilliant portrait of what the Alumni Community is made of: this is your canvas. Exercise your voice, give your insights, and share your story!

By completing this form, you are agreeing to have your responses featured in WGU marketing materials.